Can I cover ringworm disease? Hide your infection while it heals

Ringworm disease can be embarrassing, especially if it occurs. Nobody likes to walk around with a body rash, especially if you can’t hide it. Ringworm disease is quite common. About 20% of the world has this disease at this time. There is nothing to worry about, but you need to take care of it immediately before it spreads.

How contagious is ringworm disease?

Ringworm can be easily transferred from one person to another. You can even spread it yourself by touching the infected area and then touching another part of your body. The best thing would be to apply an antifungal cream and cover it.

How do I cover ringworm disease?

The first thing to do is go to your local pharmacy and buy an antifungal cream like Lamisil or Lotrimin. Apply it to the infected area as directed and place a plaster on the site. If someone asks you, you can tell them that you cut yourself in the kitchen or something similar. Every time you need to reapply the antifungal cream, be sure to throw away the old band-aid and place a new one on the rash to cover the ringworm. Remember, if you cover the ringworm, you will reduce the risk of spreading the disease.

But the ringworm is on my scalp!

If you have ringworm on your scalp, the only way to cover it is by wearing a hat. Use whatever medicine your doctor or pharmacy staff suggests and cover it with a hat. It is vitally important that you do not share your hat with anyone else, as there is a very high risk of transmitting the disease.

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