Get your risk lease approved

Each year, venture capitalists finance more than 2,500 start-ups in the US Many of these companies try to conserve their equity capital by approaching venture leasing companies to secure equipment financing. By obtaining lease financing, these smart firms can use their equity capital for high-impact activities such as recruiting key personnel, developing products, and expanding […]

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Trademark Registration and Barney Fife: Nip it in the bud!

I’m sure I’m getting old here, but if you’ve ever watched Andy Griffith’s old show, Deputy Barney Fife’s frequent advice to Sheriff Andy Taylor, for whatever challenges or tragedies Andy or Mayberry might face during that particular episode of 30 minutes. It was “Cut it, cut it on the yolk!” Very good advice, especially when […]

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Assisted Signatures: How to Execute a Document When the Client Needs Help Holding the Pen

Suppose we have a Client who is mentally healthy but physically weak and the following happens: The Client’s hand is guided while placing his name on the document and the person guiding his hand writes the Client’s name in a way that does not look like your usual “signature” from long ago. There is no […]

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Owner rental philosophies: pricing, tenant quality, occupancy, cash flow

Have you ever wondered why certain storefronts, apartments, etc. seem to stay empty longer than similar ones, which could be owned by different owners / owners? Different owners seem to have different philosophies, perspectives, and points of view, when it comes to key components, including: pricing; quality of tenure; occupancy rates; and general cash flow […]

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