The Employee Rights Handbook by Steven Mitchell Sack

Steven Mitchell Sack is called the employee advocate for a reason. His mission is to protect the rights of employees and he has been enforcing the labor rights of employees, executives and sales representatives for over thirty years. With his book “The Employee Rights Handbook: Effective Legal Strategies to Protect Your Job from Interview to […]

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Silniki elektryczne niskiego napięcia

Silniki elektryczne niskiego napięcia Silniki elektryczne muszą ciągnąć stałą ilość prądu przez uzwojenia, przewody i inne części. Jeśli prąd jest zbyt niski, silnik może ugrzęznąć i z czasem zużywać nadmiar mocy. Wysokie napięcia pomagają zmniejszyć ten problem, ale konstrukcja silnika również przyczynia się do jego sukcesu. Kiedy silnik pracuje przy odpowiednim napięciu, jego komponenty są […]

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How Credit Karma Makes Money

Credit Karma Makes Money Credit Karma is a free credit score and monitoring website that offers consumers an accurate and comprehensive picture of their financial standing. Its offerings also include a range of credit card and loan recommendations based on their individual credit profiles, as well as personal finance tools such as a debt calculator […]

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Investing in the Philippines: advantages of VAT or non-VAT registration

“Register as VAT or No VAT, that is the question”. For those interested in investing or who have already started their business commitments, they chose the Philippines as the right choice. However, tax payments and registration will be a big hurdle. Needless to say, it’s probably more challenging than putting together your business plan. Don’t […]

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Credit report repair increases with self-employed borrowers

Established loans are available in this real estate market, however, they are not available at 100%, but at 90-95% maximum. Until lenders can properly assess risk again, this is what we have to work with. Along with the recent reduction in the loan or value offered also comes the requirement of having a higher credit […]

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