Explore the many wonders of this ancient gem called flax seeds

Flax seeds are oval, flat, tiny and shiny and have an earthy aroma. They are loaded with nutrients. Flax seeds are also known as flax seeds. These seeds are the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids and are ranked as the number 1 source of lignans in the human diet.

The small packages are enriched with soluble and insoluble fibers, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals.

These are considered a superfood and are consumed all over the world. With the growing popularity of the concept of superfoods, these are considered the healthiest.

These are the benefits of adding flax seeds to your diet.

  • Digestive Health: Flax seeds contain a large amount of mucilage. Mucilage is a water soluble gel-forming fiber.
  • Additionally, the mucilage aids in the absorption of nutrition from the stomach, increasing the time it takes for food to empty into the small intestine.
  • Its consumption improves intestinal health. The soluble and insoluble fiber content supports colon detoxification and acts as a natural laxative. Without harmful side effects, constipation relief can be achieved.
  • Heart Health: Helps reduce bad cholesterol levels and promotes good cholesterol production.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids prevent hardening of the arteries and help maintain the natural rhythm of the heart, thus protecting the heart and supporting heart health. Cholesterol-free flax seeds are associated with reducing hypertension.
  • Cancer Prevention: The lignans found in flax seeds are converted to secoisolariciresinol in the intestine, which is associated with cancer prevention. Flaxseed has the potential to help fight prostate cancer.

They protect the body from harmful viruses and bacteria. The anti-inflammatory activity also helps prevent asthma. The polyphenols present in flax seeds support the growth of probiotics in the gut and thus help to eliminate yeast and candida.

  • Weight Loss: Flax seeds support weight loss and help fight obesity. The high fiber content helps keep extra calories at bay, keeping your stomach full for longer.
  • Promotes Fertility: As mentioned, flax seeds are a rich source of lignans, known to balance female hormones and promote fertility. They help control heavy bleeding during menstruation and help women with irregular periods.
  • Reduction of hot flashes: Flax seeds can help reduce hot flashes and can help reduce other symptoms of menopause.
  • Maintains blood sugar: daily consumption of flax seeds improves blood sugar in people with diabetes.
  • Benefits for skin, nails and hair: Daily intake of flax seeds helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.
  • Flax seeds provide B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, essential fats to maintain healthy skin and reduce dryness and flaking of the skin. The tiny seeds help keep skin and hair hydrated.
  • Beneficial for the eyes: They are also supposed to reduce dry eye syndrome.

Add these bright and healthy seeds to your diet and enjoy the many benefits of these nutritious foods by consuming them in really small amounts.

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