How to reverse hair loss and get a full head of hair back naturally

I love to admire girls and women with long, soft, shiny, flowing hair. But men with long, unkempt hair give me the creeps. I don’t want to imagine what’s hidden in that dirty, unwashed hair.

One of the functions of hair is to regulate body temperature. Hair acts as a physical barrier between cold external air and the skin and also traps hot air between the skin and the hair. That way, a person will not get a severe cold.

If men keep their hair long for that function, I think it’s okay to do it, but the hair should be well maintained.

As we age, our physical appearance gradually changes. The overall density of the hair changes and the hair strands become finer. Thinning soon occurs which will eventually lead to hair loss. We all shed around 100 hairs each day, but if you are losing more than that, you may have other issues. This has a strong genetic link; a genetic condition likely inherited from either your mother’s or your father’s side.

Although you cannot change your genes, there are other ways you can protect and maintain your “CROWN.” Hair loss can be very distressing and affects all age groups, especially women. Whether it’s from bad genes, hormonal imbalance, poor diet, or even stress, the effect is the same … DEVASTATING. Even though it is common knowledge that hair thinning is such a natural phenomenon in life, it does not mean that we have to accept it and do nothing.

There are many solutions to address the problem … Think lifestyle changes!

Hair is nourished by protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B 12. So choosing the right foods with the right nutrients will help keep your hair strong and healthy. If you are a vegetarian and anemic, you are lacking iron in your body, which is essential. for healthy hair. So, be sure to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, beans, tofu, peas, and walnuts. For non-vegetarians, in addition to the above, you can take red meat, other lean meats and fish.

Massage the scalp with a little coconut oil with your fingertips in circular motions for several minutes before washing it off. This action improves blood circulation in the scalp to promote better hair growth. During shampooing, continue the massage while washing. This will further invigorate the hair roots.

After washing, allow hair to air dry as hair dryers and flat irons are too hot and will damage hair. We must realize that only damaged or diseased hair falls out, so we must be gentle to take care of them.

But if you need heated tools, choose those with adjustable settings and keep them at the lowest level when you use them. In general, the less heat you use, the better. You’ll see less hair breakage, which makes your hair look thinner.

When the hair is wet, you should gently brush it with a wide styling brush.

Another factor that causes hair loss is stress due to some difficult times, such as job loss, divorce, and the loss of a loved one. We have to eliminate that stress and change the mindset to think positively.

Practice deep breathing through your nose and exhaling through your mouth for several minutes a few times a day. If you are under constant pressure, it is good to master MEDITATION.

When your mind is clear, calm and peaceful, and your body is fed the right nutrient-dense foods in a clean and healthy environment, your hair will thank you. You will stay youthful with a FULL HEAD OF HAIR.

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