Make your home more attractive with a concrete overlay

When most of us think about concrete, we automatically envision a dull, gray floor. This type of flooring is common in warehouse stores, but these retailers use concrete as a cost-cutting measure; it is cheaper than linoleum. That said, concrete doesn’t have to be dull and boring; A concrete overlay is a cost effective way to get a beautiful floor. This option is ideal for any establishment, including a home. The cost of a layer of engineered concrete is similar to that of tile and the results will surprise you.

As you know, millionaires have beautiful floors in their homes; this floor is usually made of marble. It’s no secret that marble is beautiful, but it’s also incredibly expensive. If your original goal was the marble floor, but you can’t afford the costs, there are companies that can produce polymer resin and concrete mixes; imitate marble at an affordable price. Polymer is used to help bond the overlay to existing concrete; This allows the properties of the concrete to change so that it does not crack with humidity or changes in temperature in a house. Most importantly, the process allows the concrete to get the look, color, and shine of marble.

The overlays can be placed in different thicknesses; it can go as thin as a credit card to several inches thick. When mixed properly, concrete and polymer adhere well to the slab; most importantly, they are very durable. In fact, even the warehouse floors mentioned above have a concrete layer on top of the slab. This overlap is what gives the top layer of concrete shine. These floors are known for their durability; withstand years of wear and tear, and frankly abuse. The overlays are also resistant to salt, UV exposure, and chemicals; this makes them perfect even for outdoor use.

In modern homes, a new trend is emerging; That trend is using a concrete overlay for the countertops. Since concrete is strong and an overlay has the potential to mimic other materials; the end result is a durable countertop that looks expensive (but actually isn’t). There are some homeowners who stain concrete because they like the look of concrete; however others will use an overlay to get that beautiful marble or granite look. While both granite and marble make excellent countertops, neither offers the durability and strength of concrete. Lastly, compared to granite and marble countertops, concrete is more resistant to odors and stains.

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