New Puppy Supplies List – Accessories for your puppy

For anyone considering bringing a new puppy into their family, there is a long list of new puppy supplies to review carefully. There are many things that you will need for your pup even before you bring him home.

* Collar or Leash – This is a must from when you first pick up your pup until he gets older. Be sure to choose a collar that fits your pup well and you can even look for one that extends so you don’t have to buy another collar as the pup grows into a large dog.

* Dog crate: Your pup will need his own crate to feel safe and have a place of his own. Litter boxes are essential for potty training a puppy. It’s also a great place to keep your pup while you’re not home.

* Chew Toys – This is a new list of puppy supplies that you must have. Puppies love to chew and will chew anything they find. By purchasing multiple chew toys, your pup will be less likely to chew on your furniture, carpets, and other appliances.

* Food and water dish: It is important that your dog has his own food and water dish. Be sure to consider the size of your dog and choose the right food and water bowl. If you’re going to have a large dog, you’ll want a bigger bowl and maybe even one that can be lifted off the ground, since your pup will one day be a very tall dog.

*Grooming Tools – These are very important and many people often leave grooming tools off of their new puppy supply list. You may plan to take your pup to a groomer, but it’s still important to purchase a clipper and brush. Keep your puppies’ toenails to a good length and brush them regularly to keep their coats healthy and shiny.

* Carpet Deodorizers/Chemical Deodorizers – You will definitely need to have some type of carpet deodorizer on hand at all times. All puppies have accidents until they are fully potty trained. Being prepared for these accidents can help you clean them up and get rid of the smell much easier.

*Name tag: Perhaps the most important thing to provide for your new pup. Always have the proper tags and identification for your pup. Puppies are very curious and can run away from you at any time. You can go for the traditional name tags or you can use the microchip they implant in dogs now. Either way, it’s imperative that your pup can be identified in case he gets lost.

Some other items are optional on the new puppy supplies list. These items include a killjoy catcher. These are great for cleaning up after your pup. A dog bed can also be a good investment so that your pup has a warm and cozy place to sleep during the day and night.

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