Supporters of Section 8? Dos and Don’ts for Homeowners

Section 8 is a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) assistance program for low-income families that provides housing payment assistance to families based on their ability to pay housing costs. Section 8 programs are administered by a Public Housing Authority (PHA); either the State, the local city housing authority, or the county housing commission. The PHA […]

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Labor Law and Employment: What to expect in 2012

1. Limitations on employee credit checks. California employers have long enjoyed the right to conduct background checks that involved reviewing applicants’ credit reports before extending job offers. This practice, as of January 1, 2012, will cease to be — without very specific conditions. This is because a new law has been enacted to prevent the […]

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Forget Politics!: These 5 Problems Are Your Fault!

Politics often seems to interfere with the effective functioning of our government! Instead of emphasizing and focusing on true needs, priorities, goals and perceptions, in a relevant, sustainable and common sense way, this nation is currently witnessing a level of partisanship that we have not seen before in recent memory! What happened to cooperation and […]

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