Will Pope Bavarian Sweep Europe Off Its Feet?

“Pope’s trip awaits Germany stimulates faith” should alarm all who dare to disagree with the bloody Catholic Church! Both the Bible and history testify against the Babylonian Mystery religion posing as Christian, exposing its origins with the Samaritan sorcerer Simon the Magician, not the Jew Simon Peter. Simon the Magician, the first pagan pope, hypnotized the masses with his dark powers that they mistakenly assumed to be from God (Acts 8: 9-11). Now this German Pope affirms: “Providence wanted my first trip abroad to take me to Germany.”

Why Germany? Didn’t Hitler also claim that Providence had chosen him to lead Germany? Are we about to see the emergence of an unholy collaboration between the Catholic Church and Germany that has been germinating since the fall of the Third Reich?

Will the idea of ​​reviving the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation be the engine that propels Europe down the nuclear cliff in the quest to conquer and convert others to the views of the Vatican and mark those who are unwilling to let go? lead by the “Christian” cult to the emperor? as heretics and condemn countries with the Jesuit attitude of “destroying the body to save the soul”? Does this hardline pope have in mind to mark for destruction some who stand in the way of his false kingdom of God?

The German Pope confesses that his trip to Germany is expected to start “a wave of new faith among young people, especially among young people in Germany and Europe.” Faith in the idolatrous traditions of the Catholic Church, infested with the rottenness of replacement theology, not the biblical beliefs of Sabbath-keeping Christians!

Will a tsunami like this wreak havoc on those who choose to love and obey God, not some would-be divine emperor playing God, a new world dictator promoted by the Vatican as Providence’s chosen one to lead Europe?

Like Simon the Magician, will this German pope soon perform miracles from hell to fool the masses into eating his hand? Even bringing fire down from the sky to dazzle delusional crowds and inspire them to recreate the continent in their image? (Revelation 13: 13-14).

Watch out for this German Pope to get more political and ask for a “Defender of the Faith” to lead Europe and “save” the world.

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