Wood Furniture Care: Using Floor Wax To Protect Your Floors

When it comes to hardwood floors, a number of things can damage it and leave it looking a little worse for wear. For this reason, there are a number of things you can do to keep it looking clean and new and to protect it against the daily elements. One of these ways is to wax the floor and many people really enjoy doing it because of the results it gives.

What is Floor Wax and how can it help?

Floor wax is usually made from beeswax and carnauba. However, you can also buy wax that also contains silicone and tends to have a higher shine. It all depends on your personal preferences as to which one you choose for your home, but it’s worth doing some research on each type of wax in order to make the best decision.

When it comes to applying the wax, it’s pretty simple. It’s usually best to make sure you’ve sealed your floor before waxing it, as this will help get the best results. If you’re not sure what to do, just use a clear varnish beforehand and that will do the job.

The first real step you need to take is cleaning the floor. Obviously, you don’t want bits of dirt and dust sticking to the wax, as it will make it look dirty and uneven. The best cleaning mixture is flaxseed oil and mineral spirits with a piece of steel wool to apply. Just run the steel wool over the surface of the floor, and then once you’re done, use a rag to apply a coat of mineral spirits. One thing to keep in mind when using mineral spirits is to keep the room well ventilated.

The next step is to use the liquid wood floor wax and use a soft, lint-free cloth to apply it to the floor. It’s important to note that you should never just pour the wax on the floor; must be done carefully with a cloth. For best results, be sure to use small circular motions, and take care to apply the wax evenly over the entire surface of the floor.

Once you have covered the entire floor, it is important to allow it to dry properly. Typically this should only take an hour, but it can vary so please be patient. When it has finally dried, you should dampen it with a soft, clean cloth. Then you need to apply another coat of wax, but this time follow the grain of the wood, and then about 2-8 hours later, polish it again.

The final step is to make sure you get rid of anything you used to put the wax on, like the cloths. Avoid water-based waxes whenever possible, as they tend to mar finishes and will undo a lot of the hard work you’ve put in.

Overall, floor wax application can save you a lot of money, you just need to know what you’re doing. By waxing the floor you are giving it more shine, it will look like new and it will be protected for years.

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