The Fuel and Electric Showdown

The history of the automobile emphasizes luxury, comfort and aesthetics over performance, power, speed and safety. This is true for your original need: transportation and transportation. However, if we consider buying a car with more horsepower that is safe for everyday use and offers more mileage, gasoline cars are the best option, both for roads […]

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The 55 days of Christmas? Twelve survival tips!

Did you notice that the Christmas decorations went up on Halloween? Did a chill run down your spine? The holiday season seems to be getting longer and shorter. Yes, shorter. Look at the expectations this season puts on you. Fifty-five days is not nearly enough to achieve Countess perfection MarthaRachelNigelaPaula FoodNetwork. I’m not sure I […]

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Kentucky Workers’ Compensation: An Overview of What You Need to Know

Workers’ compensation was designed to provide medical benefits and wage replacement for those injured while employed. It is also designed to protect workers from diseases developed or contracted due to exposure in the workplace. Each employer is responsible for providing workers’ compensation insurance or insuring themselves. However, certain employees are exempt from this coverage, including: […]

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