Sampon cu Usturoi si Plante BIO

cu Usturoi si Plante BIO Usturoiul este o plantă antifungică, antibiotică și antioxidantă. Conține vitamine, minerale și acizi grași nesaturați care întăresc firele de păr și le ajută să crească. De asemenea, îi protejează împotriva factorilor externi, cum ar fi poluarea și radiațiile UV. Uleiul extras din usturoi are un puternic efect pesticid și poate […]

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New NES Mod for Apple iPhone – Play Nintendo Games on Your iPhone

Ever since the iPhone was officially launched and everyone discovered the amazing capabilities of the system, there has been an eager anticipation for the time when those wonderful third parties would start coming up with ways to play games on the iPhone. Well today your prayers have been answered, although I have to admit it’s […]

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7 signs that you are about to get lucky with a Romanian woman

Romanian women are famous for their beauty and most of the foreign men who visited our country had the opportunity to find out that Romanian women are very interested in how they look. Their beauty can cause them to have exaggerated expectations of the men who want to have relationships with them, but there are […]

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