Assessment of ESL, TEFL, TESOL resources for use in the classroom

Resources are a tool that all ESL TEFL TESOL teachers use on a daily basis to improve the language learning environment, motivate students, or aid student understanding. Resources can be basic materials like worksheets, presentation materials (PowerPoints, etc.) or even online learning via the web. Deciding what resources to incorporate into your school or classroom […]

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The importance of teaching resources in primary school

Both primary school teachers and parents have a big fight on their hands. Everywhere there are stations of entertainment and joints that your child can’t resist, whether online or locally, and advances in technology, the Internet, and the web don’t seem to help at all. Children are not to blame; they can’t keep their attention […]

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Valentine’s Day: Don’t end up on The Doghouse Men!

Valentine’s Day is a day created to make card companies, chocolate companies, and flower shops make big bucks, but this is no excuse for you men to neglect your Valentine’s responsibility. It is your responsibility on this day, which only happens once a year, to show your girlfriend or wife how much you love them. […]

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