How to turn a PowerPoint presentation into an Animoto video

Most people know how to create a PowerPoint presentation, but many do not realize that the same presentation can easily be turned into an Animoto video, which can be posted on YouTube and used as a source for video marketing. The following information will identify how this is easily accomplished. When creating a PowerPoint file, […]

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Apple phones: for unique features that only an iPhone user can enjoy

Let’s admit it. Deep down, we all feel a bit of envy when we see someone enjoying the benefits of an Apple iPhone. After all, who couldn’t resist the simple and easy-to-use interface, attractive designs, great reliability, exciting app store, and finally the great user experience that Apple phones have for you? So if you’ve […]

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Buy a new bike

Unless you plan to buy a cheap bike at Walmart or your local sporting goods store, buying a new bike can be a tedious process. If you’re looking for a high-end road or mountain bike for serious recreational use, there are several things to consider before purchasing: price, quality, components, weight, and warranty. There are […]

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12GB PS3 Review

Sony recently released a version of its popular PlayStation 3 video game console for people who don’t play a lot of video games. Sure, it comes with a controller and all, and it plays PS3 games, but it’s not for hardcore gamers. In an effort to compete with Microsoft’s 4-gigabyte Xbox 360 system at the […]

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