DE-FUNKING YOUR LIFE – How can I feel happy, energetic and inspired by life again?

Hey, we all wake up some days “dealing with the Funk”…whether it’s self-imposed funk or accidental funk, we get the funk, and that funk feels…feels…a little…funky. .. So, “what are we going to do about what was said?” Funk is funk… Funk means heart attack. Yes, that’s right, heart attack. It is the real heart, […]

Continue.. DE-FUNKING YOUR LIFE – How can I feel happy, energetic and inspired by life again?

How to Live a Lavish Life on a Not So Lavish Budget

Like Coco Chanel, I love luxury. My heart flutters when I walk through the boutiques of Paris. A three-Michelin-star restaurant evokes wailing and moaning. And, a fabulous bag and hotel staff who constantly say “My pleasure” every time I ask for it makes me smile. I even developed a luxury mastermind program where I have […]

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