What to do if you are terminally ill and have only months to live?

When time is short, treat yourself well. What if you are diagnosed with a fatal condition and further tests and medical opinions clearly show that only a miracle can save you? What if you are a freethinker who embraces reason, respects evidence and science, and has no interest in miracles or other forms of the […]

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What does “stuck in transit” mean?

Each courier has a number of different status updates that they can issue based on the information they receive from their drivers during their routes. Each Arkansas delivery service may have slightly different designations for the states they assign to shipments, but there is one that is pretty universal and that is “Stuck in Transit.” […]

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Life Drawing: 10 Do’s and Don’ts When Drawing a Nude Model

Do 1 – Arrive early Due to the popularity of life drawing classes (can’t imagine why?), even large classrooms can easily become overcrowded. Nobody cares if the bum is late, climbs on everyone’s sawhorses, elbows them in the face. Being late will not make you popular. It’s also embarrassing for everyone involved when you start […]

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Schwinn 431 Elliptical Trainer – Don’t be confused with commercial equipment

Schwinn 431 Elliptical Trainer – Not Your Business-Type Equipment You’re not going to hop on the Schwinn 431 model and mistake it for a commercial elliptical trainer found at your local spa. However, if you know that this elliptical trainer might be right for you and your exercise program. What you should know about this […]

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Kick the bucket of death, be lost, bite the dust, check and feel no pain

It is very difficult for humans to say the words “he/she/they died”. What a wonderful number of euphemisms for death we have. We pass, we croak, we kick the bucket, we come home, we expire, we succumb, we leave, we meet our creator, we go to our bounty, we waste ourselves, we take a look, […]

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Breeding Coon Hounds – Why is it important to use a whelping box for a successful litter?

When breeding raccoon dogs, there are many factors that come into play. The slightest thing can send your entire plan out the window and you could even end up with sick or dead raccoon hound pups. If you are an experienced breeder, you may know what a farrowing box is. If not, I’m going to […]

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Do not buy "Cash Flow Quadrant" Until you read this!

Cash Flow Quadrant, Robert Kyosaki “Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom” (sometimes called Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Part II) What is the book about? Cashflow Quadrant aims to help you achieve financial freedom by explaining four different methods of generating income. It reveals why some people work less, earn more, and ultimately pay less in […]

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Cement Parking Tiles Price

Parking Tiles Price When choosing Cement Parking Tiles, it is important to find a supplier that is reliable and competitive in price. There are many different factors to consider, such as value for money, reliability, and past trade history. Fortunately, there is a comprehensive directory of Indian Cement Parking Tiles suppliers on Connect2India. One of […]

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