Marketing Expert Vs Client – Who is better qualified to decide the marketing strategy?

As a marketing consultant with over 35 years of experience, I often work with extremely opinionated clients who have seemingly lost their true calling in life, that of a marketer. While their credentials may be impressive (doctors, lawyers, executives), they usually have nothing to do with marketing. However, they approach the task of marketing as […]

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Are you tired of always attending to someone else’s life and feelings?

There is no other place more frustrating than an intimate relationship in which it is always you who sacrifices your feelings, your emotions, your desires, your needs, your desires to be in favor of the other person. You keep understanding them, while you keep putting your feelings on the back burner. After a while, it […]

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Online articles provide free traffic with the intent to buy or act now

Why write articles for article publishing sites? There are many ways to promote your websites, I really don’t think anything has been more effective for me than submitting articles that are not posted on online article publishing and distribution websites. What I have found is that for it to be effective, you have to understand […]

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8 fundamental stages in the web application development process

To survive the fast-paced market competition, web application development is a critical tool for every business. To a large extent, the development process is based on a three-tier software development model that includes users, businesses, and data services. This type of layout is used to separate a web application into service provider and client networks. […]

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4 tips for making money in the medical waste industry

Waste is the only thing the world will ever have. As human beings, we collectively produce tons of waste every day. From everyday household waste, biohazardous waste produced by large industries, medical waste produced by the healthcare industry, infectious waste, retail waste, electronic waste, the list is endless. In terms of food waste alone, Wired […]

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