Cheap but meaningful things to do on Valentine’s Day

So everyone struggles with Valentine’s Day, well pretty much everyone. It’s an overwhelmingly commercial holiday, and the best way to get away from the hype is to get the bigger message that Valentine’s is supposed to mean. That is love for your partner. There are many ways you can show that you love your partner […]

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Book Summary: “The Knight in Rusty Armor” by Robert Fisher

The book, written 30 years ago, includes a trailer that sums it up nicely: This is a light-hearted tale of a desperate knight in search of his true self. His journey mirrors ours, filled with hope and despair, faith and disappointment, laughter and tears. Anyone who has ever struggled with the meaning of life and […]

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H is for habits

When you enter the world of triathlon training, you’ll discover that there are some important pieces of clothing that you need to form in order to be successful. These habits cover several different aspects of the sport, but if you want to be the best triathlete nonetheless, then form good habits in nutrition, training, research, […]

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Beneficios de Contratar una Agencia de Marketing Digital

Agencia de Marketing Digital Antes de contratar una agencia de marketing digital, debes saber cuáles son tus objetivos. Una agencia de marketing digital con experiencia en su nicho puede ayudarlo a determinar qué estrategia funcionará mejor para su negocio. Esto también lo ayudará a encontrar una agencia adecuada que lo ayude a alcanzar esos objetivos. […]

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Trace your family tree on your lunch break

1. Google your ancestors. “Google Genealogy” only requires Internet access and some information about your family tree. Take advantage of Google’s ability to combine search terms and find exact phrases. Enter the name of an ancestor in quotes, plus a location (as in “sampson doyle”” hamilton ohio). Be specific about the place, you can always […]

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