4 foods that cause constipation and make it hard to come out

Certain foods cause constipation, when eaten in large portions, or without a balance of good “colon-cleansing” foods. This is another example where knowledge is power. By knowing which foods to avoid or cut down considerably, you’ll be well on your way to taking better care of your colon. This is yet another way to help your body heal itself from the many diseases that surround us.

This list is in no particular order. Think back to your last meal and discover innovative ways you can help yourself enjoy better health through the food you eat. So here is my partial list of foods that cause constipation.

1. Potato: Potato is high in starch..

We usually overeat when we consume mashed potatoes, French fries, hash browns, and instant mixed potatoes. If you think you must have potatoes, you should reduce the amount.

2. Meats fall into the category of foods that cause constipation because they are more difficult to digest.

Anything that slows down the digestive process and stays in the stomach for too long will cause constipation. Too much meat will do that to you. This is another reason why meats and potatoes may not be too good for you, regardless of how cute it sounds to say you’re a “meat and potatoes guy.”

3. Bread is one of the culprits

Bread generally falls into a category of low-fiber foods, because in processing, the natural fibers have been removed. This is not OK. Pizza may be delicious, but it also contributes to constipation because it contains two of the main culprits; cheese and bread. If you think you should eat pizza, do it in moderation. The best bread is whole grain bread with natural fiber.

4. Pasta: The main problem with pasta is that it has a lot of volume but very little fiber..

This makes it more difficult to pass it out of the body in the form of stool. Drinking at least 1.3 liters of water a day will help keep your stool moist so that it can be easily eliminated through the natural process.

Although this is an abbreviated list of foods that cause constipation, doesn’t that mean you shouldn’t eat them? However, if you do, you will have some difficulties. Remember that moderation is key, along with a good mix of raw vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

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