Tennis side stitches – not just for runners

You’re working hard at one point, running like crazy. Suddenly you feel a dull ache on your right side under your ribs. The point is important so that you believe that you can solve it. The pain gets worse, so it stops. Once it stops, the pain usually goes away. You have just experienced a side stitch.

The side stitch is caused by a muscle spasm of the diaphragm. When we inhale, air enters the lungs and presses down on the diaphragm. When we exhale, the diaphragm moves upward. When you eat a large meal just before playing tennis or when air is trapped under the diaphragm, a cramp (stitch) can occur.

How can you pass a side stitch? The best immediate action is to try to stretch the cramped muscle. This can be done by alternating your breathing pattern. Take a deep breath and hold it like this for a few seconds. Then force air out through pursed lips to restrict airflow. Other professionals have mentioned that squatting and reaching high helps flex your abs.

The best way to avoid side stitches? Increase your physical and conditioning training to strengthen your abdominal muscles. Make sure you don’t consume too much food or liquid before playing because the extra weight increases the pull down, which can help cause the stitch.

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