A magnificent obsession is the best medicine!

The insight I am about to share with you can give you the greatest hope. It can bring you happiness beyond anything you have ever dreamed of. It can introduce you to the quality and quantity of life that may seem like just something that always goes to others. Get ready; a gypsy band would pay to hear this.

The magnificent obsession!

No matter who you are, no matter what you’ve been, no matter what you’ve done in the past, you can develop a magnificent obsession with something that can change your world and the world you live in.

The principle of this obsession is so simple that the people who could benefit the most may not see it at all. That’s because those people are waiting for something difficult. After all, it has to be hard for it to have value is a prevailing attitude in this country.

Here’s the simplicity of it. He develops a magnificent obsession to help other people without expecting anything in return. And then make sure no one else knows it was you who did it. No payment, no reward, no expectation of recognition from you.

I can hear someone now saying, “Vegas, you’re a few grapes short for a fruit salad.” :>) Not really. This is why. You will set in motion an inexorable law that no matter how hard you try to avoid compensation, reward, payment, or recognition, a reward will befall you.

After my own heart!

Every living person can do something to help others. We all have the ability to create an insatiable desire to help others. You may not be rich, but money really is the lowest form of power to help others. Do you know what is the highest form? Love.

The willingness to share yourself with someone else is the highest form of power and help you can offer. The willingness to share a talent, an ability, an experience for the welfare and benefit of another, from an attitude of love, will bring inscrutable rewards in this life.

Think about this: long after the money is gone for a good deed, the love will remain. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons some relationships stick together after a financial crisis. People may forget after spending the money, but the act of love and kindness, the sharing of oneself will never be forgotten.

I have neither silver nor gold, but what I have I give you!

Your most prized possessions and skills are often unseen things. They are things that only you have and only you can share with a wounded world. The more you share of yourself, the more you will have in return. It is a law; you can’t stop it from working no matter how hard you try.

I heard the story of John D. Rockefeller and how he started the March of Dimes foundation. John D. was dying of stomach ulcers at a very young age. He could not eat anything but soft baby food. He decided that if his life was going to end so soon, he wanted to do something he had never done.

A golden opportunity presents itself once in a lifetime!

So, he proceeded to give away everything he had. She was trying to give it all away before she died, but ironically, the more she gave, the more she came back to him. She was coming back faster than she could give him away. And the death clock kept ticking.

John D. became so absorbed in what he was doing that his ulcers disappeared. And, in his 90s, he placed a mile of his own dimes end to end on a New York street, and that started the March of Dimes Foundation.

All that glitter is not gold!

Now, I realize you may not have the assets of John D. But, if you doubt it, you can prove it to yourself by gifting a smile to everyone you meet today. He gives a nice word, a kind gesture and watches what happens.

If you do this, you will discover something about yourself: that it is very difficult to create desirable actions within yourself. . Do this and you will find that what you have left after you share it with someone will grow and increase. And, what you have left after denying someone, will decrease and decrease.

Now this is what happens when things start to get out of our possession. It doesn’t really matter if they are tangible or intangible. Every time we experience something we’ve had for a while disappearing, we feel rejected and deprived.

Just get my goat!

We then tried to stop the flow out, assuming it was something tangible, which simply translates to protecting and retaining what we have left. And, the more we keep an eye on the things we’re trying to protect, the more we see them diminish.

On the other hand, when we start looking for ways to show our appreciation for what we have left, more of the increase starts to come back.

This is mainly the reason why human nature goes exactly against the laws of the universe. Even common sense says; if something is flowing, then we are diminishing. If something is coming in, then we are increasing.

Every fiber of our being begins to scream, “Damn the flow.” Stop the outflow; when the whole design of the universe was to come back “after” we give. Give a frown, get a frown. Give a smile, receive a smile.

A blessing in disguise!

So even though by nature, we go to great lengths to stop the exit, yet it is the universe’s way of bringing us back. I know it sounds crazy, don’t look at me like that; I do not like it either

However, no matter how serious the loss, it takes a magnificent obsession to find a way to continue giving, of what is desirable and withholding what is undesirable. Human nature simply says, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

You may have lost the most precious possession God has ever given you. And, if so, I’m sure you now have an empathy and compassion, with a much clearer understanding, of the problems of others in the same situation.

More power to you!

You are in a perfect position to use your empathy to reach out to another person and share what you have learned. That’s when the power of his magnificent obsession kicks in and comes back and builds again.

Ricardo Vegas ©

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