Best Elliptical Machine for Weight Loss: 3 Options to Help You Burn Calories Faster

Looking for the best elliptical machine to lose weight? Elliptical trainers have come a long way since Precor introduced the first one in 1995.

Today’s ellipticals allow you to burn more calories than ever before, with several different design options for a more comfortable workout.

With that in mind, here are 3 different elliptical trainer options that can help you burn more calories and lose weight faster than other machines:

#1. NordicTrack Freestrider

The NordicTrack Freestride trainer is a variable-motion elliptical, similar to a regular elliptical, but instead of a fixed stride length, you can choose your own stride length as you train (based on how hard and how hard you press the pedals). ).

In fact, you can achieve strides of up to 38 inches. Most standard elliptical machines only give you strides of around 18 to 22 inches.

So you can choose a short, stair-like stride, a medium jogging stride, or a full sprint stride, depending on your goals.

Having this flexibility means you’ll more easily find a pace that’s right for you, so you’re more likely to stay on the elliptical longer (because it’s comfortable) and burn more calories.

Plus, there’s a power incline feature that changes the slope of your running route. This recruits more muscle groups and again burns more calories.

Another bonus? A full color web browser. So you can read emails, watch YouTube videos or catch up on business news, again a great way to keep training longer and burning more calories.

#two. Bowflex Max Trainer

The Bowflex Max is a new twist on a traditional elliptical. It combines the motion of an elliptical with a stair climber, and adds upper-body training arms often seen on elliptical machines.

The main benefit? Using the Bowflex Max, you can burn 2.5 times more calories than a regular elliptical, treadmill, or stair climber. In fact, athletes in the Bowflex lab burned up to 600 calories in 30 minutes. That will make you lose weight very fast!

Another advantage is that this machine is very compact, ideal for smaller training areas or home gyms. And it’s also very low-impact, making it great for people with knee problems or leg cramps.

#3. Elliptical cross trainer Yowza Miami

While Yowza isn’t as well known as Bowflex or NordicTrack, your new Miami trainer gives you some amazing benefits when it comes to weight loss.

The movable arms on this elliptical move side to side instead of back and forth, more like a steering wheel. This helps trim your core.

Plus, it comes with a “smart” scale that monitors minute changes in your weight. The scale detects these changes and then communicates with the trainer, making you work harder if you’re gaining weight.

The downside to this trainer is that it’s a bit pricey, around $3000. But if you want the latest technology in your workouts, it might be worth considering.

So those are 3 of the best elliptical machines for weight loss. Each one is designed to burn maximum calories and help you get more out of your exercise routine.

You won’t be long in noticing looser clothing on any of these ellipticals!

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