Bible Games for Kids: Persistence Spoons for Genesis 32

“Persistence Spoons” is a wonderful Bible game for children that can be used when telling the story of Jacob wrestling with the angel in Genesis 32. It will become the favorite Bible game because: 1) It is active 2) It is inexpensive 3) It works for younger and older children and 4) has a powerful Bible-based message that perseverance pays off.

Have the children form two relay teams at one end of the room. If there is an odd number, the first child on the team with fewer people can go twice. Give the first two children on each team a large scoop or slotted spoon (that’s four large spoons in all). Put a piece of aluminum foil rolled up like a baseball into one of the spoons at a time (they are two aluminum baseballs).

Show the players how to throw the “ball” back and forth, catching it with the spoon. Then they should begin to move slowly to the other end of the room as they move back and forth.

A catch without dropping the ball takes both teammates a step forward. A dropped ball means they have to stay where they are and try again, until a caught ball takes them a step forward.

Once a team reaches the far wall, they can run back with the spoons and the ball and hand it over to the next group of players.

The team that finishes first wins. Ask the children: “Who should receive the award?” They should answer that the winning team should.

However, remind them:

“God is not so interested in how fast or slow we are. He is interested in those who show perseverance. Therefore, everyone receives a reward.”

Hand out cookies, licorice sticks, or other available prizes to the winner of the Bible game.

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