The brief history of the Chickering Brothers piano company

The Chickering Brothers of Chicago were a short-lived piano production company since the early 1900s. Even though they were in business for such a short time, they made up for it by creating one of the best pianos ever made, in my opinion called -The Acoustigrande. The patent reveals that they changed the angle of […]

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Surf at Baskin-Robbins!

Sweet! Baskin-Robbins, the world’s largest ice cream specialty store chain, arrives in the summer with a selection of new and refreshing frozen treats to celebrate Sony Pictures Animation’s animated action comedy Surf’s Up, which opens in theaters on June 8, 2007. Baskin-Robbins introduces seven twisted surf-themed icy treats for ice cream lovers to get ready […]

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What Makes Your Handyman Business So Different?

If your Handyman business doesn’t have a Unique Selling Proposition (USP), you could be leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table … What is a unique selling proposition? A properly defined USP basically lets your prospects know the advantage your handyman business has over other competitors offering handyman service. This is where you […]

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The story of a private investigator

In 1833, a French soldier named Eugène François Vidocq, a French soldier, criminal and privateer, founded the first known private detective agency, “Le Bureau des Informations Universels pour le commerce et l’Industrie” (Intelligence Office) and hired ex-convicts. . The official police tried to shut it down many times. In 1842, the police arrested him on […]

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