Bring out the flavor of basmati rice with these dishes

India, especially Punjab, is well known for its aromatic long-grain basmati rice. A delight to the senses, aged basmati rice needs to be handled delicately and cooked with care. Use Terragreens Authentic Basmati Rice to make these delicious recipes. Enjoy!! Gatte ke Chawal – This recipe comes straight from the dry regions of Rajasthan. Combine […]

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3 reasons why the free step trainer is better than an elliptical machine

Are you trying to decide between a Freestride Trainer or an elliptical machine? While both can give you a great way to exercise in the comfort of your own home, the Nordictrack Freestride Trainer does have some major advantages of an elliptical trainer. Here are 3 ways the Freestride Trainer is better than an elliptical […]

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WhatsApp for small businesses and local businesses

whatsapp for small business WhatsApp is a social messaging service for mobile devices that allows you to send text messages, images, audio and video clips to communicate with those who are in your phone’s contact list. WhatsApp marketing can be an effective way to connect with your potential customers and promote your business. Local businesses […]

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Public Speaking Tips: Ten Things to Remember When Accepting an Award

Many people are recognized for their work, industry, sports, or community achievements. The presentation of awards by associations, companies and groups helps to recognize achievement and excellence. In many cases, award recipients are asked to give a short acceptance speech. But, according to the Book of Lists, the number one fear in the Western world […]

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InPage Video vs. TV Advertising vs. Video SSP and Ad Server

9 Reasons Online Video Advertising Kicks TV’s Butt With the winds in online advertising constantly changing, we believe 2015 will be a year of change for video advertising around the world. This change is also evident in the comparison between television advertising and online video ads. As reported on the Internet, the growth of video […]

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What does “stuck in transit” mean?

Each courier has a number of different status updates that they can issue based on the information they receive from their drivers during their routes. Each Arkansas delivery service may have slightly different designations for the states they assign to shipments, but there is one that is pretty universal and that is “Stuck in Transit.” […]

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The most popular roofing trends in 2015

When it comes to the hottest roofing trends of 2015, inspiration comes from nature. The industry has come to understand the importance of making use of green building materials and green technology when upgrading and repairing residential architecture. Since most of today’s homeowners come from the baby boomer generation, they are the ones spending their […]

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