laws of motion

Dynamics is the study of the relationship between motion and the forces involved. Galileo was the first philosopher to discover the property of inertia. It is defined as the inability of objects to change by themselves their state of rest or uniform rectilinear motion. Particles or objects cannot speed up or slow down on their […]

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Richard Parkes Bonington – The English Romantic Landscape Painter

The English ‘Romantic’ landscape painter, Richard Parkes Bonington or Richard Bonington, was born on October 25, 1802, in Arnold, near Nottingham, England. The only child of Richard Bonington, an amateur painter and prison guard, and Eleanor Parks, a teacher, the artist showed an interest in drawing and acting from childhood. He gave the world an […]

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The potentialities of the road for both progress and destruction in Wole Soyinka’s Play The Road

Soyinka’s first work The way it offers him a mirror through which he looks at, critically examines, and laughs at the feeble failings and pretensions of emerging African societies. This is, of course, a very familiar concern in all genres of African literature. Wole Soyinka, therefore, is not out of place to concern himself and […]

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The importance of having a terms of use agreement for your website and e-commerce

A terms of use agreement serves as a contract between the operator of a website and a user of the website, essentially allowing the operator to set ground rules for the use of the website. These agreements have become almost a necessity for website operators because they help show that users understand how they are […]

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Choosing the best patent law firm is of the utmost importance

Whenever new ideas and innovations culminate in products launched on the market, it is a natural concern that these ideas and innovations will be easily copied by competitors and new market entrants. If copying occurs before innovators can protect ideas, by drafting and filing a patent application with the relevant authorities, the resulting impact can […]

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There may be benefits to incorporating in foreign states

One of the most common questions for entities that want to incorporate is: “Where should I incorporate?” In fact, an entity can choose from any of the 50 states or the District of Columbia. There has been a lot of publicity about incorporating in certain states that happen to be well known for having corporate-friendly […]

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