IRS proposal allows income tax information to be sold

The date of April 15 is not necessarily a date that many Americans refer to fondly, because it represents more anxiety than joy. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) also doesn’t get any sweet terms even for those who could enjoy an income tax refund when filing their tax returns each year. But it is specifically […]

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Karma: what you better know for a better life

He has no conscience. You don’t have favourites. No king, queen, pop star, rock star, movie star, sports star, celebrity, president, prince, princess, pauper, potentate, pope, minister, doctor, lawyer, educator, judge, janitor, man, woman , child, human, animal, bird, fish, insect or plant escapes him. Makes all brand trailer. He makes everyone bend to his […]

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UK government announces plan to reduce gender pay gap

The UK government has recently announced that a £2 million fund will be spent on initiatives aimed at reducing the gender pay gap between men and women. The funds will be spent on training, events and monitoring programs to help women move from low-paying, low-skilled jobs to higher-paying, high-skilled jobs. The measures are also expected […]

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Online Sweepstakes, Games, and Contests: Navigating Legal Issues and Cheats

Online sweepstakes, games, and contests have become increasingly popular thanks to the widespread use of social media and iOS apps. However, companies often overlook the need to include the proper documentation and guidelines required by state or federal laws and regulations. Also, today’s new technology often allows web/app users to submit cloned entries or circumvent […]

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The Dream Act – Immigration Law Reform in 2010?

One of the many changes President Obama has promised America is immigration law reform. Many ideas have been discussed. One of them is the DREAM Act, sponsored by Senator Lugar of Indiana and Senator Durbin of Illinois, among others. The basic idea is to allow certain illegal immigrants who were brought here by their parents […]

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