The Golden State Warriors continue to fight to return to the NBA Finals

Today, the Golden State Warriors are an enigma. Why does its name represent an entire state? Who are the “Warriors” called? Have you ever won an NBA championship? Like other NBA teams, the Warriors have a story worth telling. Where did the name “Warriors” originate? The NBA team inherited its name from a former ABL […]

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20 steps to courage

These activities once applied will awaken value in you. Courageous behavior can only be developed by removing fear from your life. The first step will explain how to get rid of this negative emotion. 1. Face fear Facing fear is not the only option to overcome it, but it is the fastest. All you have […]

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The Insatiable – Best Vampire Movie Ever – Charlotte Ayanna deserved an Oscar nomination

I just saw on the sci-fi channel “The Insatiable” thinking about killing a few hours. I was surprised as this was one of the most underrated movies I have ever seen and definitely the best talking vampire movie (“Nosferatu” was silent) that I have seen. Also, the acting and writing were great. The actress who […]

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How to get your friends to play truth or dare instead of other party games

Normally, when you have your friends gathered at your party, you can’t suggest playing Truth or Dare right away. Also, you must not Welcome them at the door and challenge them with a challenge right away! Actually, there is one exception where you could do it. If your friends are close enough and have played […]

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