Choosing the Right Architect for Your Commercial Real Estate Development

A good real estate development begins with the right architect. An architect is not only concerned with the concept but also with the planning and design of a building or any real estate development. A degree in architecture equips one with the knowledge of the building and operating codes that must be followed for every architectural design.

An architect is trained to transform the needs and demands of a user in design and, finally, in physical form. This implies that you must have a complete training that helps to build safe and healthy buildings for people and communities. Architects have to obtain licenses to practice architecture, as their building designs and planning decisions play a vital role in the safety of the public.

Architects specialize in different fields among architecture i.e. land, land development, buildings, office parks, residential, landscaping and the like. This specialization is the result of a world that is increasingly fragmented, demanding and concentrated. Therefore, it is difficult for a single architect to be aware of the know-how of each of these fields and adapt to the different demands of different clients.

An architect plays a very important role in a project from its conception to its construction. The final physical form of a building or any real estate development is designed by an architect who obviously considers the wishes and needs of the client. As such, it is important to choose an architect who is well-qualified and experienced in the specialized field of your choice. An architect who has been in business for at least 5-10 years should have developed a strong foundation of relevant concepts. He/she must possess the necessary skills, knowledge and experience for a decent and fascinating project. This indicates that it is essential to review an architect’s qualifications prior to selection; Her title, experience and license – all must be verified before the project is delivered. An important point to note is that she must have more than five years of experience in the particular field of the development project and not just as a general architect.

Having said the importance of educational qualifications, it is time to review the affiliations and accreditations of an architect. A successful architect should also be affiliated with a trusted institution, for example, the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Royal Institute of Architecture of Canada, the Royal Institute of British Architects, and the like. Affiliation with such institutes demonstrates an architect’s credibility and popularity in the industry. An architect who is affiliated with and accredited by similar professional architectural organizations has certainly passed their comprehensive requirements. This is a strong recognition and proof of his achievement. However, the mother’s affiliation is not the only consideration before choosing an architect. Other relevant factors and elements must also be considered so that the final decision is made taking all concerns into account.

The geographic area of ​​specialty is also an important element. Some architects are specialized and knowledgeable in certain areas and as such their scope is quite limited to those areas. Although he/she may excel in architecture and in the particular area, this does not guarantee that he/she can deliver equivalent results in the area of ​​the project requirements. Therefore, this aspect should also be taken into account.

Certain other conditions are also relevant since they determine if a project will be successful and, at the same time, if the relationship between the client and the architect is solid and pleasant. A good architect must possess good communication skills and must respond to client questions and/or queries. This is a very important factor, which ensures the completion of the project on time and in good condition. For your relationship with the architect to be successful, the architect you ultimately select should, by all means, follow up on calls and emails and should keep their word on different aspects of the project.

An architect’s connections are a reflection of his success and achievements, as well as his negotiation and political skills. Someone who is well connected and has contacts like urban planners and those in political processes is certainly preferred compared to their counterparts with relatively few connections and contacts. Yet another factor is an architect’s membership in local clubs like Kiwanis, Toastmasters, Knights of Columbus, Rotary, etc. An associate member is certainly a better candidate.

Each of the factors mentioned above are important considerations for an investor or client before choosing a suitable architect. At first, it may seem difficult to find architects with all qualifications, but there are ways. You can talk to developers, other popular architects, city planning and building departments, local economic developments, chambers of commerce, etc. and ask for references. Similar references can also be obtained from experienced customers, sellers and buyers. The advent and popularity of the Internet has opened hitherto unknown ways of obtaining information. The Internet can be a source of information, details and contacts about reputable, qualified and experienced architects. Websites of professional architecture organizations may also list prominent architects in different regions.

A good architect is the key to any real estate development. Once a strong relationship and understanding has been established with the right architects, the entire process from idea generation, conceptualization to final construction becomes simpler and more satisfying. A good architect knows all the reasonable specifications and is full of ideas that form successful real estate development strategies. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative to choose the right architect, one who is conscientious, experienced and reputable.

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