Computer Repair Tips: Windows 7 Service Pack 1

A search for ‘Win 7 SP1’ in Google News will show articles saying that Windows 7 Service Pack 1 has just been released to computer manufacturers. Not surprisingly, there is some hype surrounding the launch, which is not yet available to current users of the operating system. Some are even taking big risks to install the update and stay on the ‘cutting edge’.

Why so much hype? Most enthusiasts and power users probably remember when Windows XP Service Pack 2 came out, loaded with new features. While service packs sometimes come with new features, the vast majority of them do not. Microsoft releases service packs to manufacturers so that new computers don’t have to sit there and download updates for hours and hours after you plug them in, and that’s their primary purpose. A service pack is almost always a summary of previously released updates for current users through Windows Update.

But don’t try to tell the boring truth to users who take high risks to get SP1. Downloads are popping up on all rogue sites, peer-to-peer networks, and BitTorrent. While many enthusiasts will spend a lot of time and money to be on the ‘cutting edge’, downloading SP1 from an illegitimate source will likely only leave your computer injured and bleeding. While most of the pirated copies of SP1 that are floating around the internet are real, some of them have been compromised by hackers and spammers looking to gain access to your computer. Downloading SP1 from an unofficial source is simply not worth the risk.

So if you are using Windows 7, there is nothing to worry about. You already have 95% SP1 installed on your computer, courtesy of Windows Update. The other 5% will probably not make a visible or detectable difference on your computer.

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