crossdressing makeup mistakes

One of the key factors in effectively and convincingly cross-dressing is the issue of makeup, and in fact, I don’t think there is a cross-dresser alive who can get by without some form of makeup.

However, makeup can be your ally and it can be the cause of your downfall. The reason is that many would-be crossdressers don’t know how to put on makeup and end up looking much worse than they expected. Let’s see what is the biggest mistake of crossdressing makeup and how to avoid it.

The biggest makeup mistake crossdressers make is applying too much of it. It’s easy to get carried away, so I don’t blame you that much, but I know that putting on too much makeup is like putting a sign on your forehead that screams “look at me. I have something to hide.”

Remember, makeup is meant to hide what you don’t want other people to see and highlight what you do want them to see. But wearing too much makeup only highlights everything, including masculine features.

Think of it this way, have you ever seen a really beautiful woman wearing too much makeup? The answer is no. They use makeup to bring out her natural beauty.

In fact, one of the stereotypes about transvestites is that they wear too much makeup. The way around it, aside from learning how to apply makeup, is to do it in stages, asking yourself at each step: does this help me look more feminine in a low-key, understated way, or does it seem like too much? ? You may make mistakes at first, but you’ll soon have a real punch by the time enough is enough.

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