Examples of metaphors – What is a metaphor?

You probably use metaphors in your everyday speech and don’t even realize it. Think about it; Have you ever told a friend or his spouse, “I was worked to the bone today” or “I’m dead tired”? These are examples of metaphors that we use regularly in conversations. These forms of metaphors are also clichés used in everyday language.

We normally use metaphors to describe something. We can use a metaphor to tell us how things feel, how we feel, or to convey a similarity between two things that couldn’t be more different from each other. For example, saying “the rain fell in buckets” is a descriptive way of telling you how the rain fell. It did not fall from the sky in actual buckets, but the rain fell in large quantities; presumably enough to fill buckets.

For the most part, metaphors are simple. We use a metaphor in speech and conversation without thinking about it. Examples of metaphors can range from the simple to the more complex. Complex metaphors are the ones we tend to read about in our favorite books and novels. The writer uses them to draw us in and deepen our senses to prove a point or make us feel for the characters.

Some, but not all, metaphors contain verbs to show the similarity between the two ideas you are trying to convey. Although the word “fog” is not a verb, when used to describe a person’s state of mind, thought, or thought process, the word takes on a combination of description and action.

In short, a metaphor can show a comparison. It can also imply an idea without directly revealing the main idea or theme of a sentence or paragraph. If you listen to the radio, you sing hundreds of metaphors a day. Some of the most popular uses of metaphors are found in songs. Singers and bands use metaphors in almost all of their lyrics. Examples of metaphors can be found in almost any song you sing, book and magazine you read, or in your everyday conversations. You just need to listen to the words to find them.

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