Get BINbase data to help you survive and thrive during tough economic times

BINbase data is quickly becoming the nerve center of many risk management assessments among companies large and small. Truth be told, every business will face some form of credit card fraud. And in the past, there wasn’t much business account holders could do about it. Until now. BINbase software is taking the financial world by storm and giving business owners the tools to decrease their chances of falling victim to credit card fraud.

Business account holders end up paying chargeback fees when a fraudulent transaction occurs. Therefore, having access to reliable BINbase data can dramatically reduce these costs and here’s why: A credit card’s BIN number can be run through a BINbase verifier and verified before the transaction is processed. This puts power back in the hands of the business owner and out of the hands of scammers.

With the BINbase database you can learn all kinds of relevant details about a card before approving a transaction. You can find out whether or not the shipping address matches the billing address. You can determine if the card has had any problems in the past, such as frequent chargebacks. In other words, you can better protect yourself against fraud with a simple BINbase search.

For those who aren’t sure what credit card fraud, simply put, is the act of purchasing items using someone else’s credit card information. Business account holders are highly susceptible to chargeback fraud.

This type of fraud occurs when a legitimate cardholder uses the card to purchase goods or services, but when the statement arrives, they contact the credit card company and tell the representative that they never received the item or service or that never authorized the transaction in the first place. A BINbase data system can help you better track these types of charges.

The next type of credit card fraud that affects business account holders is online credit card fraud. It is the most common type of credit card fraud with transactions that people make on a daily basis. Now this type of fraud can be a bit tricky, where hackers steal credit card information without the real cardholder knowing what has happened. To help avoid this issue, merchants can use the BINbase numbering system to check billing and shipping addresses to ensure they match.

With all of this in mind, it’s fairly easy to get access to BINbase data and integrate the program into your system. The BINbase database is not open to the public, but you can purchase a single user license or a universal license. The features you will have with your BINbase download will vary depending on the license and provider you choose to use.

Check the reputation of the BINbase data provider and make sure the BINbase list you receive is current and up-to-date. If you’re ready to open up new channels of information and prevent fraud from harming your business, the BINbase database is a great place to start.

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