Good Vibes for Thyroid Issues: The Link Between Your Thyroid and Your Voice

What you are about to read is a new theory about the cause and prevention of thyroid disease. We believe that a simple lifestyle problem that characterizes modern life leads to thyroid dysfunction. It’s something you can try for yourself, on yourself. And the concept itself will change the way science thinks about thyroid function.

If correct, this theory has the potential to significantly reduce the need for thyroid medication and may help prevent thyroid disease, which could cause a significant loss of revenue for the multi-billion dollar thyroid treatment industry. Therefore, this information is shared directly with the public without peer review, as peer reviewers are part of that processing industry.

The problem has to do with a commonly known feature of the thyroid, something that everyone knows about the thyroid, but has not been recognized as an important feature. It has to do with the location of the organ.

The thyroid is located directly below and partly around the thyroid cartilage, or Adam’s apple, in the throat. Tilt your head back and look for the most prominent cartilage sticking out. That is the Adam’s apple. Below is your thyroid gland, shaped like a butterfly.

While the thyroid is on the outside of the Adam’s apple, on the inside is the larynx, or larynx. You can tell this by placing your hand on your thyroid and humming. Try this. He hums “MMMMMMMM.” Then say it louder and louder, until you’re screaming. You will feel your thyroid vibrate. The louder you hum, the more it vibrates.

What happens to the thyroid when it vibrates? The thyroid is filled with a gel-like material that is the storage form of thyroid hormone. The gel releases hormones when the thyroid is massaged, which is why massage therapists avoid throat massages in patients with hyperthyroidism. There have also been medical studies showing that certain types of occupational vibrations cause thyroid injury. The thyroid is clearly affected by vibration.

It is logical, then, to conclude that vibrating the thyroid through the use of the voice also stimulates the release of thyroid hormone. This is a natural mechanism that the body has to stimulate the thyroid. This would also explain why nature has designed the thyroid to surround the larynx. In her wisdom, nature developed a way that our activity level can influence our thyroid function.

That makes sense when you consider the function of thyroid hormone. This hormone is responsible for the overall metabolic rate. Too much thyroid hormone, and you basically burn out. Too low, and you can’t light your fire. So when your life is full of excitement and stimulation, and you talk, sing or yell a lot, your thyroid is stimulated to release more hormones, stoking its fires and keeping your energy up. When you have moments of rest and tranquility, your voice rests and your fire goes out.

The throat essentially functions as an indicator of activity, since activity is usually associated with the use of the voice. We are social animals and our activities often involve other people with whom we communicate through our voice. And this is also true for other social animals. Groups of social animals are in constant vocal contact with one another, whether it be the quack of geese, the cluck of chickens, the barking of dogs, or the chatter of humans. In all mammals and most vertebrates, the thyroid gland is associated with vocal structures.

Which raises a question regarding mute humans. If the thyroid is stimulated by vocalizing, and if the person is mute, that person would be expected to have an understimulated thyroid. In fact, that is the case. One of the common problems mute children face as they grow older is that their thyroid gland is not working properly, and they are soon prescribed thyroid medication for life.

But what if these mute children had their throats vibrated, perhaps with some voice simulator? Or what would happen if they massaged their thyroid? Surely something could be done to replace the lost stimulation caused by mutism. Unfortunately, the link between vocalization and thyroid function is not considered, so these therapeutic alternatives to medications are not tested.

Mutism, of course, is the extreme case of voice underuse. What about the millions of people who speak out, mostly women, who are told they have low thyroids and need lifelong medication and doctor visits? Could some of these people be underutilizing their voices as well? People these days don’t talk as much as they used to?

When you think about the reality of modern life, that might be the case. For example, people used to talk to each other in person or on the phone. Now, they send emails instead of using the phone. We can communicate with people all over the world, but that communication is electronic, not verbal. Then there were the evenings, not long ago, when people used to sit together and read books aloud, tell stories, and sing songs. People created their own entertainment, and this usually involved using their voices. Now, people quietly listen to iPods, watch videos, or surf the Internet. Now we consume entertainment, instead of making our own.

We also have less exposure to other people in our daily lives. Many jobs today involve little contact with other people, except through the computer. And more people work at home, further reducing interpersonal contact. More people are also living alone, due to record divorce rates and a general trend toward single life. For many people, there is simply no one to talk to.

These people may be suffering from their silence by having an underestimated thyroid. They may benefit from singing, humming, massaging their throats, or even letting a purring cat stroke their throat. They need throat stimulation to keep the fire going.

On the other hand, there are those who abuse their voices and overstimulate their thyroids. Hyperthyroidism is associated with stress, and many people who have stress in their lives scream. Yelling actually vibrates the thyroid and could cause vibration injury. This could cause too much hormone to be released, resulting in temporary hyperthyroidism until the vibratory injury can heal. In fact, most cases of high thyroid get better on their own, assuming the doctor hasn’t already destroyed the thyroid with radioactive iodine or surgery. We have already recorded several case histories of people who developed hyperthyroidism after experiencing months of stress that included intense bouts of screaming.

So that’s the big discovery. The thyroid vibrates when you use your voice, and this stimulates the thyroid to secrete hormones. It is another axis for thyroid hormone control, along with the well-known feedback mechanism of the brain’s hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It is something that is obvious and yet has not been recognized by medicine. Perhaps telling a patient to talk or sing more is not something that fits well in the medical pharmacopoeia.

Of course, this theory still needs more research. Despite its sensitivity and the supporting evidence briefly mentioned above, biochemical studies are needed. But these studies will have to be funded, and the drug companies and government agencies they influence probably won’t be interested in funding them (and if they are, beware the results!). Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for the medical industry to consider these comments (and the potential impact of this information on drug revenues and professional fees). weather.

And tell your friends, especially the ones who are depressed, quiet, and told they have a low thyroid. This is something they can scream about.

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