How to be intimate and enchant men

The sorceresses of the King Arthur legends brought balance to a society ruled by male domination. Through their seductive female magic, they magnetized the men of Camelot: the King’s warriors put aside their brutal behavior and broke their backs to woo these women. They acted chivalrous in the hope of earning a pinch of feminine admiration and tender, feminine affection.

You too can be a modern sorceress and inspire a man to honor the laws of chivalry in your relationship. You can magnetize and hypnotize the men you are dating by accepting the power that a woman has to create intimacy with a man!

By having the right energy around a man and using the right words and body language when interacting with him, you can ignite lasting flames of passion in his susceptible heart!

Here are 3 ways you can be a more intimate and seductive woman and enchant men effortlessly:


When a modern sorceress is with a man, she is no longer the professional who plays with power or the multitasking mother of three children: she is a leaf in the river.

To be a leaf in the river, you slow down, put aside all the strategies and ideas you have on how to ‘hook a man’ and just go with the flow of the moment when you’re with men. Take a deep breath, sit back, feel soft inside, warm in your heart, and just enjoy the memories created by chemistry and romantic connection.

A sorceress is a master at ‘just being’. She knows how to feel feminine and vulnerable with a man and she can relax in that vulnerability. She does not try to improve the relationship or make an effort to seal the bond. She doesn’t fill in all the awkward silences when she’s with him or struggles to make her experiences, when she’s around him, more enjoyable.

She just lets the moments unfold however they want. She allows a man to approach her at his own pace and allows him to nurture her with HIS attention and affection.

A sorceress knows that her soft side is ALWAYS open to receive. Many of us women cannot receive. We complain about our loneliness and unmet needs and we desperately want a real man to come along and make us lose control, but we have to do our part to achieve it. We have to have feminine energy to attract masculine energy.

Many of us have a hard time doing absolutely nothing more than being available for a man’s advances. We want to do what we do best: bring the woman that we are in our work and our maternal energy into the room so that we can fix, control and manage the relationship at the pace we want and in the amount of time we want.

A sorceress is sexy because she never tries this. She knows that desperately wrapping herself in a pretzel to get what she wants when she wants it from a man actually gives a man too much power over his heart and life force.

She is a goddess who has an unwavering, calm, and slow-paced energy around her that invites calm, love, sensuality, pampering, tenderness, and soft, sweet connection.


A sorceress can expose a man’s vulnerability in a matter of minutes. She knows how to make him feel nervous and confident at the same time. She can make him feel so honored to be in her presence that he feels nervous, while at the same time, she can make him feel so emotionally secure that he will fully open up to her about his life.

The best way to make a man nervous and confident enough to expose his secrets is to listen to him at the right times! This is so important.

When you are with a man, try to really listen to what he is saying to you. Don’t talk about him, don’t look at your phone, don’t let your thoughts drift, don’t promise that you’re listening when you’re doing two other things at the same time, etc.

There are many ways in which our mind prevents us from connecting with other people. A sorceress uses her feminine energy to be in the moment and not a victim of her mental energy.

Have you ever been to a psychologist? Do you know how they sit quietly in front of you, looking at you and waiting for you to speak? They are inviting their feelings and thoughts to come out. They act as containers in which you can place your feelings and thoughts.

A sorceress does the same with a man: she draws a man to her through her ability to listen and HOLD his feelings and thoughts. She LISTENS to her soul as her mouth speaks.

You must clear your thoughts and open your heart to do this. You have to stop what you are doing and listen fully with your ears, heart, mind and body.

3. Seduce him with touch

By gently touching a man when you feel most connected to him, at times when he has touched your heart with a wonderful laugh or deep empathy, you can show him that his feelings matter to you and that his intentions have landed in your heart.

Don’t touch it too often, and don’t use touch to force a connection. Just touch him at key moments and make your touch a gift to him to show him that you are available for connection.

When you can use your touch to show him that you are both “on the same page” and “in tune” physically, spiritually and emotionally, love will begin to brew in your heart and he will not understand why, but he will know it. it is real.

Love is about a deep intimacy that is created in the space between two lovers. A very intimate woman will always know the best way to use her touch to bridge that space and fill it with understanding, desire, and compassion. She knows exactly how to seduce a man with the power of connection.

The sorceresses of yesteryear were masters of using their feminine energy to magnetize men. They understood that men desperately wanted to feel brave, honored, respected and supported. These gentlemen also wanted to feel soothed and calm inside through the power of a woman’s serene and sensual love. The sorceresses were able to use all this knowledge about the needs of a man to hypnotize and magentize him during intimate moments.

Sorceresses can make strong and proud men step forward and honor them. They got these knights in shining armor to respect and attend to their feminine feelings and needs without doing much more than simply sitting back and channeling their soft, seductive, and connected sexy side.

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