How to fight heartburn / GERD (gastroesophageal reflex disease) naturally

For over thirty years, I have dealt with the intolerable discomfort of heartburn and GERD. I have found that almost everyone has heartburn at one time or another and, in most cases, at least once a month. Usually the cause is obvious, such as eating spicy or rich foods: a Thanksgiving dinner, fries, chilli, or devil’s food cake, however there are several less obvious triggers for heartburn or GERD (reflex disease). gastroesophageal). As an alternative to expensive prescription drugs, I’ve found that from the foods you eat to the clothes you wear, there are lifestyle changes you should consider implementing if you want to reduce the recurrence of heartburn or GERD. Here are some ways to prevent and remedy heartburn.

Learn how to fight GERD

To avoid acid reflux, you need to watch what, when, and how you eat.

What – Choose a low-fat, high-fiber diet that is full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.

When – Don’t eat late at night and don’t go to bed right after meals.

How – Eat more slowly. Eating in a hurry only encourages heartburn.

Below are some specific foods that will help reduce acid reflux.


A great way to start your day is to choose oatmeal and add some banana slices. Oats are high in fiber and low in fat, while bananas naturally fight stomach acid. Avoid foods high in fat.


2 to 4 grams of fresh ginger a day works as anti-inflammatories for stomach complications of all kinds (using more can actually cause acidity). Chew on a piece of fresh ginger, use it generously in your recipes, or soak ginger in hot water to make tea.

Pasta (without cream or tomato sauce)

Whole wheat pasta increases fiber intake; however, if you have GERD, avoid heavy sauces and tomato-based sauces.

Legumes and Beans

Legumes and beans are a great alternative to meat or a vegetarian / vegan source of fiber and protein.


When baking, substitute apple sauce for oil or butter. Generally, you can use the same number of cups of applesauce as the recipe calls for in oil. Weird recipes may need to be tweaked, but by making this small change, you will help reduce fat and increase fiber in your baked goods.

Some quick remedies …

Chewing gum

Research has shown that chewing sugar-free gum for 30 minutes after a meal provides relief from heartburn for people with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Chewing gum increases the amount of saliva that will remove any acid that builds up in the intestine. Reducing acid improves GERD symptoms.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda (baking soda) helps neutralize acid. Mix about ½ to 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Avoid continued use of baking soda if you have heartburn on a regular basis, as it contains high levels of salt that could cause nausea or bloating.


Licorice’s natural stomach healing properties ease heartburn and get to the source of the problem; however, one of the side effects is high blood pressure and it contains glycyrrhizic acid, which is potentially dangerous. For glycyrrhizic acid, look for DGL licorice or try chewable DGL licorice tablets before meals. If you don’t like the taste of licorice, try a brand that doesn’t taste like licorice.


Aloe vera has a history of being used to soothe burns and has properties that reduce inflammation. Aloe juice does the same for GERD sufferers by calming any inflammation found in the esophagus and stomach.

Drink 1/2 cup of aloe before meals. Be aware that the juice can be a laxative.

Slippery elm

Herbal remedies to treat a variety of illnesses include Slippery Elm. To treat GERD symptoms, slippery elm extract thickens the mucous lining creating a protective layer or layer against stomach acid.

To relieve heartburn, take a couple of tablespoons of slippery elm extract in water after meals and at bedtime.

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