How to persuade your partner to participate in a threesome!

Let’s face it, most threesome initiatives are started by men. There are exceptions, of course, however, in the vast majority of cases, it’s the kids who come up with the idea…

If the woman is the one who has the initiative or if both of you are convinced to pursue the threesome fantasy, you are one step ahead.

However, if you want to experience a threesome and have never discussed it with your partner, you may need some guidelines to help persuade her to participate in your fantasy.

The first thing you have to keep in mind is that women highly value the bond of a couple.

Women are very apprehensive about anyone and anything that threatens the health and longevity of the relationship between her and her partner.

For most women, a threesome carries risks that they are not willing to accept. The first big obstacle you will face will be overcoming their insecurity.

In addition to the social conditioning you were raised with, there are a few roadblocks that need to be cleared before you can get excited about inviting another person over for an intimate session.

Any woman who truly cares about you cares about the relationship, with all the classic fears and uncertainties about your love. You have to understand that she often asks herself; “He loves me completely?”

“He only loves me?”

“Do you really like me the way I am?”

“Am I woman enough to keep him satisfied?”

“Is he leaving me for a younger/firmer/prettier woman?”

Full of uncertainty and jealousy, she will defend her territory against all possible threats.

The only person responsible for alleviating the problems mentioned above is the man in the relationship. Happy, secure and confident women are not very jealous.

What behavior triggers your insecurity?

If your partner is jealous, the root could come from your own behavior. If you recognize yourself in any of these behaviors, your partner has every right to feel insecure about your relationship:

You have often expressed your discontent with her.

You constantly criticize her and never compliment her.

You flirt with every pretty woman you see

You stay out all night every now and then

You have usually expressed your discontent with your life and your relationship.

You only touch her when you have sex and you don’t express your love often.

You have threatened to leave her.

Any of these types of behavior will quickly turn into constant insecurity, resentment, and jealousy. The insecure woman’s worst nightmare is another woman in her life and the last thing she will do is invite another woman into your bed.

Remember: your partner has to feel very secure in your relationship before granting you a threesome. So make sure you never threaten your relationship. It doesn’t matter how angry or upset you are. She needs to know that you are an element and nothing will break your bond.

Female safety is the number 1 point of consideration

If you want her to be sexually secure, you must work very hard to make her secure in your love. If you are serious about taking your sex life to a level where a threesome can happen, you will need to make your partner so happy, so positive, so confident and secure in your love that he is not afraid to share you with another woman.

What can I do to make her feel safe?

Compliment her and show her how much you love her regularly. Write her a love card, buy her flowers, snuggle up with her on the couch, whisper in her ear how beautiful she is; there are many little things you can do that have a big positive impact. Feeling loved, accepted, and safe are powerful female aphrodisiacs. She will be much more loving if she feels that you are happy with her.

Avoid silly comments about her appearance at all costs, especially if they’re things she can’t change. Avoid telling her that she is fat. Instead of making negative comments, try to compliment her as often as possible.

Don’t flirt with his friends unless you have his approval. If she thinks your threesome is just a devious plot to sleep with her best friend, you have no chance of making it.

Before you tell her about your intentions to have a threesome, you need to make sure that she is sure that a threesome does not threaten her relationship with you.


It is quite possible that your lover also fantasizes about a threesome, but has been afraid or ashamed to admit it. Unlike men, women rarely talk to the point and often beat around the bush before telling you what they really want. If you want her to talk about her fantasies, you can encourage her in the following way:

listening to her The magic words for women are “Interesting, tell me more.” So all you need to do is shut up, listen and learn.

Be supportive of their opinions and ideas. If you criticize or invalidate her, she will not reveal her private thoughts.

Affirming that you consider all your desires to be perfectly normal. Acknowledge their fantasies.

Making her more receptive to her fantasy by assuring her that bisexual desires do not detract from her value as a life partner. Tell her that various fantasies of hers make her more interesting, seductive, and captivating as a sexual partner.

Don’t push her into something that scares her. She let her get used to the idea. Let him explore the thoughts with you. Women solve their problems by discussing them; encourage her to talk to you.

using the correct words
Women are much more in tune when it comes to using the right words. A common mistake men make when trying to persuade their partners is to use the wrong words or the right words at the wrong time.

For example, if she fantasizes about having a threesome with a friend, cold-hearted guys ask her things like, “Would you like to suck his dick?” or “Would you like to feel her cock in your ass?”

This is normal for a guy, but I can assure you that this type of vocabulary is not appreciated by women.

If she mentions that she would like a threesome with a friend, an insensitive guy might be dumb enough to ask “Would you like to taste her pussy?” or “Would you like me to suck yours?” These kinds of comments go too far, too fast, too soon.

In some cases, I know of guys who reveal their fantasies by saying things like this: “I would like to have sex with two women at the same time.” As you can imagine, this will not go so well for her.

It is always better to say: “I would like to share you with another woman.” This confirms that you are not replacing her and that she is still the center of your world.

A very important point: when he asks you who that woman would be, the best thing you can do is not mention any names. Tell him the choice would be his.

This removes any suspicion that you’ve already done “research” on your project and alleviates their fear that you love someone who doesn’t. In addition, this will also involve her in the process.

From the moment you’ve solved this problem, organizing a threesome will be a piece of cake! []

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