make better bath salts

You’ve finally found something you’d like to do, bath salts. You start with the salts and the fragrance, but somehow you feel like something is missing.

Many people use bath salts for medical and therapeutic reasons, but it is mainly used as a bath additive to cleanse the body and to relax. When making your own, you basically need two things: salts, not just any regular salt, but raw sea salt that can be found almost anywhere; and the fragrance of your choice or essential oil for additional aromatherapy.

After you make bath salts, you want it to look good and not boring. The first thing you probably want to put in is color, or colors depending on how you want the salts to turn out. The safest way to do this is to dye the bath salt according to the fragrance you use, for example blue when using the lavender fragrance. Or you can go crazy, using various colors depending on how you want it to look. You can use liquid food coloring or water-soluble powdered food coloring to choose from a wider range of colors. Some people find it difficult to find the right intensity of a certain color, you may even have to do some trial and error before you achieve the right intensity. You can also add some herbs to accompany the color and fragrance of your salts.

Another way to make your bath salt stand out is by adding a small amount of dendritic salt to your bath salt mix. Don’t be fooled by the impact of this small amount of salt in your mix, it packs a big punch. One, dendritic salt makes it better for fragrance oils and colors to work into your mix. You can add the fragrance and color to the dendritic salt first before adding it to the main mix, since dendritic salts basically have double the absorbing power. Two, because it is better absorbed, dendritic salt makes the fragrance of salt last longer. It also prevents the salt mix from clumping when stored.

You can also use a better salt for your mixture. Instead, you can use Dead Sea salt in your bath salts. Why is this salt better? First of all, the Dead Sea is known for its therapeutic and healing properties. The mineral composition of Dead Sea salts is higher than other salts. This is also one of the reasons why it has been the subject of many studies and investigations. Choosing this as your base salt will make your bathing experience better. However, it has a single drawback, it costs a little more than the other salts.

One thing to also keep in mind when you’re done making the salts is that you’ll want to put them in a nice container. If you intend to preserve the salts you are making, any simple jar or plastic container will do. But if you intend to make a profit from the salts you just made, then you can get creative when making the container for the salt. You may also want to consider using clear containers or containers where you can actually see what’s inside of them, especially when adding colors to your salts.

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