Make Your Internet Marketing Promotions Nearly Unbeatable With This 100% Free Marketing Tool

Although I am not a big fan of “image” advertising on the Internet, I am a huge fan of personality or “identity” advertising.

The reason is because each brand, each product, each service has a different personality, whether you know it or not.

And an amazing way to start improving your internet marketing ads a notch or two (when it comes to response) is to start matching your personality with your offerings.

Why does this work?

For the simple fact that if you can get the identity of your product, and not just your offer, into someone’s head when they are trying to sell to you, they will respond differently to your offers than if you don’t get it in their head.


Because when people expose themselves to your personality, they’ll feel like they already know something about you. They will feel more familiar with you and what you are selling. Even if they have never heard of you before, and even if they have never heard of your product before.

And that familiarity makes the chances of them buying from you increase almost 100% of the time.

The reason is because people like people and places that they are familiar with and are comfortable with. We don’t like to buy from complete strangers. We like to buy from people we feel we already know and trust.

Many politicians have this under control.

That is why some politicians with little or no campaign money can make it to the head of the polls after a television appearance. Because people feel like they know him.

And the same goes for your ads.

Try yourself and see.

Inject personality into your ads, combined with your offer. I think you will find your personality to be one of the best and cheapest marketing “tools” you can use.

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