One Day Cricket: A Brief Introduction

Cricketers in one day cricket matches usually appear in brightly colored clothes to create more interest for the spectators.

It further enhances the appeal to the television networks that broadcast the matches.

As for the history of one day matches, it all started between English county teams sometime in the 1960s. The first one day international match was played in 1971, in Melbourne, Australia.

The Cricket World Cup started in the year 1975. Many of the innovations and ideas like the colored clothing were a result of the Cricket World Series.

It was a “revolutionary” series system outside the organization of Australian media industrialist Kerry Packer.

People are so crazy about the one day cricket matches that happen every year.

Towards the end of the game, people go crazy and their heartbeat increases.

In test matches, the innings are long and people often get bored. If the weather is not good, the outcome of the game usually depends on it. That is why one day matches have gained such popularity.

In a one day international each team can win only once and the number of overs is also restricted. The typical number of overs is always 50. Each over includes 6 ball tosses.

In the first fifteen overs, the players do not move from a certain region of the pitch. That gives the batter a chance to score more.

This game is still quite interesting even after so long. One day cricket will undoubtedly remain popular for years to come.

There are cricket fans all over the world. The popularity of cricket and the craze for one-day matches is evident from the number of fan clubs created around the world to honor cricketers.

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