The Ascended Masters and the Colors of their Auras

An Ascended Master is a Being who after many lifetimes of reincarnation has become the master of his physical, emotional and mental bodies, has balanced his karma and no longer needs to reincarnate. You have ascended in your vibration beyond physical life. Ascended Masters do not look where they are going, rather an Ascended Master […]

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Home Value Websites: Which Are the Best for Finding Your Home’s Value

The Internet is a wonderful place. It’s packed with all kinds of information on anything you want to learn, including how to estimate your home’s value. A simple web search for home value websites will return hundreds of thousands of results. Here is an overview of two websites we found, Zillow and Homegain. Zillow is […]

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More Richard Dawkins – Hitler and Stalin – Weren’t They Atheists?

Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion tells us that he is often asked about Hitler and Stalin. Weren’t they atheists? This is a tough question for him and, as he often does with tough questions, he approaches it by going on the offensive. The question, he tells us he, is put into “a gruesome, indignantly […]

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What are the key factors that differentiate government and private jobs?

Some people are crazy about government jobs, while others yearn to get a job in the private sector. Those who favor government jobs consider perks like job security, while those who prefer private jobs have a hunch that they will have a fancy workplace and an exciting salary if they make it into the corporate […]

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Fix houses: create space in the bathrooms without knocking down walls

Some rehabbers don’t mind stripping down a house to fit it into a desirable area. For example, many old houses in Los Angeles are torn down to the ground and only a few walls remain. However, most rehabbers like to update a house with new fixtures and features without trashing the house. Also, many houses […]

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