Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail: The Importance of Setting Goals

Goal setting is a powerful tool, whether applied to professional life, personal aspirations, or health goals. In fact, goal setting can make the critical difference between success and failure. An obvious goal of many may be to simply stick to their diet and/or exercise program in the context of a busy and overloaded daily routine, […]

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Creative and feel alone? What to do when your friends don’t support your creative life

Everyone is potentially creative in some way. It is a central part of being human, an essential need that we all have, to express our individuality. Perhaps this is through one of the classically recognized creative disciplines such as writing, painting, or songwriting. Or maybe it’s through something less obvious, but no less creative, like […]

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Why does the Bible say that the rich will vanish in the midst of their activities?

“You’re not supposed to live on toys because you can’t take them to heaven,” says 8-year-old Adrienne. Adults also try to live on toys. The difference is that adults pay for their toys. TV commercials look so clever, but no toy from one manufacturer has ever filled the void in a customer’s soul. That emptiness […]

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A Texan is kidnapped and wakes up 250 years in the future – how would you feel?

Miguel Traveler: The Man from Texas – by Daniel McFatter. ISBN 978-1-5323-6614-7. Published by Brave Mission Publishing, 2016. The reviewer received the book from the author as an e-book in pdf format. Review by Chris Phillips Miguel wakes up floating in a solution and being hugged and cared for by “Mama”. There is a lot […]

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Constipation again? The 5 best natural laxatives

Most of the time, constipation means infrequent stools. However, constipation also means hard stools, a bloated stomach, difficulty passing stool, or a feeling of incomplete emptying after a bowel movement. This difficulty can also cause abdominal pain. Constipation can be very uncomfortable, but this symptom does not usually indicate an acute illness. Here you will […]

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