Prepare your children’s playhouse now for more fun in the future

Most people take for granted how important it is to weatherize a children’s playhouse because they don’t see it as just another “house,” but simply a play structure. To provide your child with long-term use, you’ll need to take the same steps to protect him from the harsh winter weather that he takes in his own home.

Here’s what you can do to keep your kids’ playhouse in tip-top condition during the winter season:

Put plastic on interior windows. There are some window films that can be melted on the window to act as a barrier against the cold by heating it with a hair dryer. These are ideal for this type of outdoor space.

Fill all holes and gaps with putty or foam to prevent drafts. This will also help keep out pests that may be looking for a place to keep warm during cold weather.

Provide your child with draft dodgers to use by the doors when inside the children’s playhouse. This will prevent the cold from getting under the door. You can buy an eraser at home or a discount store, or make your own. This could be a really cool activity to do with your child.

Your family’s children’s playhouse can be preserved for a lifetime of play. You just need to take the proper steps to keep it safe from the harsh elements that come with winter. Weatherizing today will ensure your child and their friends continue to have a place to party all year long!

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