Speech training: how to develop your voice, advice from a professional

Having a clear and confident voice is an essential business skill to be an effective leader, manager, and communicator.

Whether you’re presenting in front of a group, performing in the media, or speaking on the phone, a good voice can be a huge asset.

Here are 10 tips to develop a more confident and persuasive voice.

1. Create clarity by heating up.

The human face can extract more than 7,000 unique expressions with 44 different muscles! Get into a routine to warm up your most important muscles. Use specific exercises to

loosen your jaw, lips, and tongue. Being physically prepared will give you confidence.

2. Practice difficult phrases.

Once you’ve warmed up, do a couple of tongue twister exercises to tie it all together. Examples include ‘red leather, yellow leather’ and a large black bug bit a large black bear ‘.

Try saying this quickly and slowly.

3. My voice comes from my belly.

Now that the juices are flowing, it’s time to put some tone and timbre in your voice. This comes from your diaphragm. Practice breathing and fill your belly like a balloon.

4. Posture.

Your posture is important for the projection of the voice. Warm up your neck, shoulders, and rib cage. Get into a comfortable posture with your feet firmly planted. Remember your posture when you feel most comfortable. Use hand gestures if this suits your style.

5. Relax and smile.

The more relaxed you are, the more confident you will feel and look. Remember that most audiences want you to be successful. Smiling at the audience helps you relax. Take advantage of your adrenaline in a positive way.

6. Be positive.

A positive attitude is very important. Visualize how you felt the last time you made a really successful presentation. Remember this moment. Feel and use this positive feeling. Be prepared psychologically.

7. Speak from the heart.

Use the emotion and feelings in your voice and the words you choose. Eighty percent of the tone of voice is emotion and this will help you touch your audience.

8. Evaluate and seek feedback.

Always evaluate your performance and seek to improve each time. Ask for feedback from other people with whom you feel comfortable.

9. Watch your voice.

Always take care of your voice. A healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and behaving in moderation are essential to protect your voice.

10. Be yourself.

Develop your own style and be yourself. Relax and enjoy the experience.

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