Spice up your winter decor

Winter is the slow season in the world of interior design. At the beginning of winter, people tend to focus on the holidays. They then focus on removing the Christmas decorations and recovering from too much food and fun. Many people go into hibernation mode and some even have winter blues. A helpful way to keep your spirits up is to take time in winter to update the look of your home. Take advantage of the off-season sales to replace anything that might need replacing and use these simple tools to spice up my look to keep it warm and inviting and breathe some life into rooms that have become dull over time. Here are some easy decorating tips to help you beat the winter blues:

• If you have storage space, try to keep at least two versions of coordinating accent pieces, such as throw pillows, throws, vases, slipcovers, and/or other accents and accessories that make you feel good when you look at them. Choose these items in colors and patterns that make you feel warm and happy. Rotate items each winter and summer to keep your space looking new and fresh.

• Try a different furniture arrangement. If your furniture and space allow, try moving things around a bit. A new design can help create a sense of interest and can make things feel new to you.

• Finish that unfinished project. Many of us have a room or space that just never gets finished or just doesn’t have a function and becomes the dump. Set a goal to tackle that room and turn it into something that is both useful and beautiful. My suggestion to complete such a project would be:

o Figure out a layout for the space
o Determine a style or theme for the space
o Make a list of the items you need
o Make a plan for how you will complete this project.
o Set a budget – Even if you’re not sure how much things cost, know how much you can comfortably spend on the project.
o Check the Internet before you go shopping: you will be surprised what you can find on the Internet.
o Don’t forget the accessories
o Don’t forget the windows: The most common problem I find among clients who have decorated a room but still feel it is incomplete is that they haven’t paid attention to the windows. Whether you have a contemporary or traditional taste, finish that room by addressing both the functional and aesthetic needs of your windows.

• Change your paint color or add wallpaper. The color of your room has the biggest impact on how that room will make you feel. Choose paint colors that you love, that make you feel good when you are in their presence. Wallpaper is also a wonderful way to add some color, texture, or pattern to a wall or an entire room. Like window treatments, it can help you unify your space, add pops of color, and create focal points for your space. There are some beautiful wallcovering products that are much easier to install and, if applied correctly, much easier to remove if you decide a few years later that you want to update the look again.

• Recycle that old but still beautiful piece of furniture. Give old upholstery items a new look by choosing an updated fabric. You decide to restore or paint that battered piece of wood. It will give you something new to love while helping Mother Nature. If you’re sure you don’t want it, make room for something great new by donating it so someone else can enjoy it as much as you do or sell it to earn a little money for a great new piece to replace it.

Winter can be the perfect time to infuse your home with a new sense of style that can last all year long and can make you feel warm and comfortable inside, when the weather is not so warm outside. Taking on a winter project, no matter how big or small, can help you beat winter blues and get you on your way to your dream home. Good luck bringing your home decor to life this winter and may these tips help you.

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