Stay out of debt and avoid the trap set by 666

Religions love debt and those trapped in it are desperate for help, so where do they go? Surprisingly, most debt counselors and those prepared to help are religiously based. We think of Saint Vincent de Paul, the Salvation Army, etc. They are available to help and generally do a good job. But the question is why do people fall for the trap set by 666 in the first place? If you need to see where I come from, Revelation 13:17 says that he runs the economy.

The question is who is he and how did he come to be in charge of the World Order. To explain that from my perspective is to know my background and how I got the knowledge. To begin with, I have memory of reincarnation and I know that there is the Great Spirit of the Universe, who is the only real God.

Men have established their own version of the Supreme Creator through the sun and the moon, which are the most visible celestial bodies for us. The sun in all its splendor adds extra dimensions when its rays scatter across an object and the beautiful star of the rainbow colored moving rings appears. To the primitive and uneducated minds of ancient humans, this was an even greater god.

They named it Maria, which means ‘mighty eye of the mother’ and made images of a woman based on it. They could then ‘marry’ Mary by rising on the cross, which appears in the center of the star. From this beginning man’s progress towards modern life began, but nothing could change about his ‘god’.

When Constantine established the Catholic Church in 325 he had to keep the image or no one would have accepted it. He had the power, the means, and the cohorts to bring about the New World Order based on what he established (Revelation 13:13-18). This included the economic system that uses coins or money to support trade.

The catch was always earning more than you spend by bartering and capitalizing on the weaknesses of others. It is still the same today. To stay out of debt and avoid the trap, then one should think before buying something and double check whether it is necessary or not. Don’t sign contracts for things you knowingly can’t pay for.

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