The dangers of fast food

The fast food industry has added every possible chemical that they can legally get away with to make people addicted to their food. In fact, if you eat fast food and stop eating it, you actually suffer from withdrawal symptoms. It is like a drug. Not only that, the preservatives are so high in these fast food burgers these days that the product doesn’t even break down. Fast food has been linked to an increase in obesity in both adults and children. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in our country, especially in children. Here are some surprising statistics to consider:

65% of American adults are overweight

30% of Americans are obese

According to the American Obesity Association, 127 million Americans are overweight, 60 million Americans are obese, and 9 million are “morbidly obese” – they weigh 100 pounds more than they should.

In the last twenty years, the obesity rate has doubled in children and tripled in adolescents and adolescents.

In September 2004, nine million American children between the ages of six and eighteen were obese.


A MURDER Obesity-related diseases will kill an estimated 400,000 Americans this year, about the same as smoking. Americans have gotten so big that their coffins have to be oversized!

Related diseases caused by obesity:

High cholesterol

High blood pressure

Heart disease

Breast cancer

Colon cancer






In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that one in three children born in the United States in 2000 will develop type 2 diabetes. The average life span of a ten-year-old child with type II diabetes will be , between seventeen and twenty-six years shorter than that of a healthy child. Diabetes can lead to heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage in the lower legs, which can result in amputation (82,000 of these occur each year). Diabetes is currently the sixth highest cause of death in the United States.

Fast food is everywhere

The rise of the fast food industry plays a critical role in why our country is plagued with obesity. Fast food is everywhere: in big cities, small towns, shopping centers, the airport, the bus station, schools and even hospitals.

There are 31,000 McDonald’s worldwide, nearly 14,000 of them in the US.

People eat a lot of fast food

Fast food has become cheaper and easier to buy. In 2004, Americans spent $ 124 billion on fast food. That same year, The American Journal of Preventive Medicine published a study showing that the percentage of calories from fast food in the American diet has increased from 3 to 12 percent in the last twenty years.

The culture of fast food was introduced to other countries in the world in the 1980s. In countries like Japan and China, people have abandoned traditional healthy diets in favor of fast food and, as a result, the rate of obesity and other diseases have skyrocketed.

Fast food restaurants serve more

Not only is fast food everywhere, but fast food companies encourage consumers to eat more by providing oversized burgers, extra-large portions for fries, and soda cubes.

Products like The Whopper, The Big Gulp, and Super Size contain huge amounts of calories, sugars, and fat. Let’s take a closer look: the Double Gulp soda at your 7-11 location contains 64 ounces of soda – that’s half a gallon! Contains the equivalent of 48 teaspoons of sugar. A typical hamburger at a fast food restaurant weighs six ounces. In 1957, it weighed one ounce. According to a nutritionist, your average fast food is more like three meals.

The average meal at a McDonald’s has 1,550 calories.

Fast food is not good for us

We are eating more foods that are not nutritious. Most fast foods are high in fat, high in sugar, high in calories, high in starch, high in salt, and low in fiber and nutrients. Because fast food is lacking in nutrients, after eating it we are not satisfied. That makes us hungry for more soon after.

Why children are at higher risk

Our children are exposed to an onslaught of fast food advertising. Fast food chains spend more than $ 3 billion each year on television advertising. They intentionally campaign for children to become customers for life. These are known as crib advertising strategies. Researchers have found that children can often recognize a company logo, such as the Golden Arches, before they can recognize their own name.

In a year, the typical American child watches more than 40,000 television commercials. About 20,000 of these ads are for junk food: fast food, candy, soda, and breakfast cereals. This means that your child sees a junk food ad every five minutes when he watches television.

To further motivate kids to eat fast food, companies like McDonald’s have Happy Meals with free toys. McDonald’s gives away more than 1.5 billion toys each year. Nearly one in three new toys given to American children each year is from McDonald’s or another fast food restaurant.

To combat these calculated advertising strategies, it is paramount to educate our children on healthy eating habits that are easy, fun and taste good. By teaching our children how harmful fast food is and how to eat healthier, they are empowered to make the right choices.

Fast food is full of chemicals and preservatives.

Fast food does not spoil. This is because it is loaded with chemicals and preservatives. Of course, there is the great video on YouTube called The Bionic Burger that illustrates this in a fun and informative way.

The link is:

The video is based on a true story. In 1991, this software engineer from Burlington, Vermont (he prefers to remain anonymous) went out with friends in Boston for New Year’s Eve and stopped by McDonald’s on the way home. He bought a couple of cheeseburgers, ate one, and put the other in his coat pocket to eat later.

He forgot about the hamburger in his pocket. A year later, he took his coat out of the closet, put it on, and discovered the cheeseburger in his pocket from New Year’s Eve. It looked exactly the same. I was absolutely blown away. He told his friends and family, but no one believed him. So he decided to start a burger museum to prove to everyone that these cheeseburgers and hamburgers were literally indestructible.

He started collecting hamburgers, one every year. By the fall of 2004, he had amassed a large collection:

That New Year’s 91 McDonald’s Original Cheeseburger

’92 McDonald’s Cheeseburger and Big Mac

Burger King ’93 Burger

McDonald’s Burger ’94

McDonald’s Cheeseburgers ’95 -’03

He kept them on book shelves in his outdoor living room. These burgers look exactly the same. Bread, meat, cheese, special sauce, pickle, even lettuce. They have all kept their shape and color for over a decade!

Food is supposed to spoil.

Food is supposed to be the most biodegradable of all products. How is it possible that these burgers have not gone bad? Decayed? Does it get moldy?

My friends Len Foley and Rebecca Gauthier weren’t convinced. They thought maybe there was an exaggeration, or it just wasn’t true. So they went and bought a hamburger at the local McDonald’s in Burbank, CA in February 2007.

They put it in their outdoor garage and left it there. Once a week they would go out and “check” their burger. It would still look and smell exactly the same. No animal, insect or bird touched it. After a year, they started featuring it at various health shows along with some of Matt’s burgers from their burger collection. Since then, they have added a hostess Twinkie, cupcake, and other burgers to their collection. As of April 2008, no changes in the composition of food have been observed.

If you don’t believe me, try it yourself! Go invest a dollar and buy a hamburger. (By the way, this is the only time I’ll tell you to do something like this!) Put it in your garage, or wherever, and leave it there. I think it is important to see this for yourself so that you know on a deep level the implications of what this means. Food does not spoil, so it cannot be natural.

We brought the Bionic Burger Museum to a recent health event to demonstrate how fast food is made of low-quality chemicals, preservatives, colorings, and ingredients. Hundreds and hundreds of people saw hamburgers that were between one and eleven years old. None of them had decomposed. Adults and children were shocked. When people see first-hand that fast food is not food, it has a powerful impact that can make them make the right choice: the decision to eat healthy and nutritious food rather than an abundance of chemicals, preservatives, fats, fats. and salt. .

This video I just described has been viewed by 1.3 million people on YouTube. It has been translated into 7 different languages ​​and appears on 50,000 blogs. This shows that people want this information, they want to be informed because the information allows us to make the right decision. You choose every day what you are going to put on your body. Make the best decision and put foods in your body that will help you, not harm you.

When you put live food in your body, it contains enzymes that break it down naturally. The fruit ripening process, for example, is an enzyme-controlled process. And those enzymes eventually, if you don’t eat that fruit, they will cannibalize it. Then the fruit will eat itself.

Well, these burgers are not eaten on their own. They are here twenty years later because there are no enzymes present. These burgers are so loaded with preservatives that they are like a sealant, as if they were made permanently, as if you had a painting glazed, framed and placed on your wall. It is not food, it is something else. What that other thing is, we don’t know, but I’m totally impressed that people can survive eating it.

Now I have also seen the hamburger that is nine years old, some that were fifteen, sixteen years old. It seems we now have the technology to build the world’s first bionic burger! I recommend that if you are serious about your health, AVOID fast food AT ALL COSTS! There are so many healthy alternatives that not only can they quench your cravings, but they also provide the vitamins and nutrients your body needs for peak performance. Read all about delicious superfoods, super herbs, and other superior healthy foods in one of our many other special reports at

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