The Laughing Buddha was actually a 10th century Chinese monk named Hotei

The Buddha most often referred to as the “Happy Buddha” or “Laughing Buddha” is actually a Chinese Zen monk who lived approximately 1,000 years ago and has become an important part of the Buddhist tradition. The name of this heavenly Buddha was actually Hotei or Ho Tai. He was known for his generosity and came to be seen as an incarnation of the bodhisattva, an enlightened being who has attained Buddhahood. It is believed that he is a Maitreya or future Buddha who will one day return to Earth. His broad abdomen and pleasant smile have given him the common name “Laughing Buddha”.

Laughing Buddha statues are often seen in restaurants, temples, and businesses because he is the deity of joy and prosperity. You almost always see Ho Tai carrying a linen sack, always full of sweets for the children, rice plants that symbolize wealth, food or suffering in the world. Like the Saint Nicholas of Catholicism, Ho Tai is the patron saint of children, the weak, and the downtrodden.

A Laughing Buddha statue portrays a bald, plump, portly man whose generous stomach can be seen through his flowing robes. While Ho Tai could definitely benefit from some sit-ups, his broad belly is a symbol of good fortune and fullness. Along with his plump belly and happy smile of his, the Laughing Buddha almost always carries a gnarled staff in one hand and the ever-present sack of it in the other.

The happy Buddha is most often depicted in seated, standing, or reclining statues. The reclining position probably grew out of the “sleeping Buddha position”, which represented the Buddha’s last moments on earth before ascending to Nirvana. Most of the times, the Laughing Buddha statue is displayed in the home as a symbol and talisman of good fortune and prosperity. Many happy Buddha statues show the cheerful patron holding gold ingots in his hands sitting on a mountain of gold coins. It is also not unusual to see the Buddha seated on a Dragon throne. The Dragon is a symbol of security and power in Asian cultures.

Other accessories often seen on Happy Buddha sculptures and statues include a rosary necklace symbolizing prayer, a begging bowl associated with the Laughing Buddha’s lack of worldly possessions, or an oogi. The oogi is a Chinese “wish-giving” fan used in the past by Chinese aristocracy and has an affectation to show that their wishes would be granted.

In Western culture, the Laughing Buddha is often referred to as the “Fat Buddha.” As a fat, jolly man who frequently distributes sweets and gifts to children, Ho Tai is more like what Westerners think of as Santa Claus. However, tidings of good fortune from him can be enjoyed throughout the year. It is believed that if you rub the belly of a Laughing Buddha you will surely enjoy good luck, prosperity and wealth. Ho Tai is also considered the patron saint of waiters and restaurant owners and is often seen prominently in Asian restaurants. Overindulgence in food and drink is often attributed to the influence of the Laughing Buddha.

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