the pharisees

Who is not aware of the sins of the Pharisees? (Especially the Accuser of the Brethren?). But does that mean that the truths they teach, even if they don’t live them, are no longer true? It reminds me of James 1:22 encouraging Christians to be doers of the Word and not just hearers; from Ezekiel 33:31 where he shows the “People of God” listening to the Word but not implementing it; and from Romans 2:17-23 where the Jews pride themselves on knowing God’s Word but fail miserably to put it into perfect practice, even demanding it of others!

You could substitute Jews for “Church of God” and get the same message! How many of us know the truth of God and yet are not exactly paragons of virtue? Does our personal failure somehow negate God’s truth? As a general rule, despite ourselves, does not the Church of God still have more truth than any other religion? And Jesus said that “salvation belongs to the Jews” (John 4:22).

Could this be why Jesus recognized (and God’s Church should too!) that the Pharisees are the chosen ones that GOD has ordained to sit on Moses’ throne of authority (to execute judgments and make binding NATIONAL decisions), that He said to follow his teachings but not his bad examples? (Matthew 23:1-3). In other words, do what they say and not what they do. However, some are so overwhelmed with the real and imagined sins of the Pharisees that they are blind to God’s Purpose being carried out through them. We must be very careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water!

Paul, like Rabbi Yashua, also recognized that God had chosen the Pharisees from among all Jewish groups, calling himself a Pharisee “blameless in the law” (Philippians 3:5-6). Paul, under divine inspiration, declared that God has commanded the Jews to keep “the words of God” (Romans 3:1-4).

What if the Jews, specifically the Pharisees whom God has chosen, are less than perfect? Does it make God’s purpose for them null and void? Paul replies: “GOD FORBID IT!” He reads and believes Romans 3:1-4. There is no need for any controversy. The Scriptures are very clear!

What about Jesus giving authority to his disciples? There is no contradiction. They must base the decisions of his CHURCH ON fundamental NATIONAL LAW that is upheld by the Jewish Pharisees, not apart from them! Otherwise, they would be among those who “think to change the times and the seasons.” The Church of God is built on the Law and the Prophets and does not seek to overthrow or destroy either (Ephesians 2:20).

The Biblical traditions of the Pharisees continue to this day among Jews as Rabbinic Judaism. The Sadducees and Samaritans are history! If and whenever the Pharisees or the Church of God attempt to impose doctrines contrary to Scripture, then we must obey God and not man. God’s government, as revealed in his Word, his Constitution, takes precedence over any law of Church or State. And note well this important fact: Paul wrote that God has given it to the Jews to preserve “the words of God” (the Word of God, the sacred calendar, the holy days) even AFTER Jesus had given authority to his followers. disciples. He did not say, “Now the Church of God has taken control of everything!” That is a Catholic doctrine of demons!

Regarding the Pharisees, we must be careful to remember that Paul called himself a Pharisee (Acts 23:6) and would have taught the traditions of the Pharisees, such as the BIBLICAL dates of Passover and Pentecost (2 Thessalonians 2:15) . ) who disagreed with the Sadducees; that the wise Gamaliel was a Pharisee (Acts 5:34); that many of the brothers remained Pharisees, even though they had to grow up and learn that Gentiles did not have to become first Jews and then Christians (Acts 15:5); and that Nicodemus, who originally met Jesus at night, then went with Joseph of Arimathea, in broad daylight, to give Jesus a proper Jewish burial with spices (John 3:1, 19:39-42), was! a Pharisee! Not all Pharisees were evil or rejected Christ!

In conclusion: the question is not whether or not the Jewish group whom GOD has ordained to preserve the Bible and determine and proclaim the Sabbath and holy days is sinless (Leviticus 23:2), but whether or not we accept the biblical record of that God has only authorized the Pharisees to preside over the “seat of Moses” and judge with their authority.

Those who would try to usurp their God-given position would do well to remember Gamaliel’s advice about fighting God! God has clearly given certain responsibilities to his Jewish servants to fulfill and that is what they will continue to do until the King of the Jews reigns in Jerusalem with these honors! (Genesis 49:10).

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