The segmental intent process

The Law of Attraction brings us what we think. The Science of Deliberate Creation begins the alignment of us with what we attract. The Art of Allowing brings it all together for you. By deliberately applying the tools to allow your desires to manifest, you become a powerful person. By understanding this law, you will be able to create better on purpose, rather than by default.

One of the processes that they teach us is that of “Segmental Intention”. This allows us to be more aware of how we feel, and from that we can choose, from the redirection of our thoughts, more of what we want. In the book Ask and it shall be given to you, we are told that “there is very little of what you are living in this day that is the result of what you are thinking of this day.” Therefore, when you pause, segment by segment, and choose what you want in that period of time, you are actually sending out thoughts about what you would like your future to look like.

Here’s an example segmental intent from a typical average work day:

Let’s say you drive to work every morning. So when you walk out the door to your car, you’re starting a new segment. You get in your car and fasten your seat belt. You think, “I hope my car starts and there’s enough gas to get me to work. I don’t have time to stop for fuel.” You start your car, pull out of your driveway, all the while thinking, “I hope traffic is easy and I don’t get stuck behind a slow bump or school bus.” As you go through each red light, you think, “If there’s a line at the latte shop, I’m going to have to leave without my coffee. I really need it by this Monday morning at work.” “I’m so tired, I really need a break today.”

Now, let’s replay this segment using the Law of Attraction and the Art of Allowing. You’re in your vehicle at home, and as you buckle up you say, either aloud or silently, “I intend to get my car to start and have plenty of gas to get me to work.”

Starting to back out of his driveway, he says, “I intend to arrive at work refreshed and on time. I intend to effortlessly purchase my favorite latte this morning.” “It is my intention that my commute be safe, easy, and smooth as I travel to my wonderful place of employment.”

As you practice giving away this segment, you are actually preparing your future and your day. You are creating circumstances and events that are to your liking. Abraham and Esther Hicks remind us that “…all your creative power is in this moment.” In addition, you are projecting, not only this moment, but also your future.

As you flow through your day and the various segments, a momentary pause is all it takes to redirect your thoughts. Whether it’s a client meeting, a conference call, a review with your manager, your day will go so much better with this simple process. With a clear idea of ​​what we want, we become more in harmony with our Inner Being and our intentions become clearer to us.

We are, at every moment, actually experiencing two simultaneous journeys.

There is our action journey, which is our individual reality of time and space, what happened in our past, and what is happening now. Then there is our emotional journey, which is our vibrational response. The emotional journey is by far the most important aspect and where our dominant focus should be. Otherwise, we are creating by default, by our responses to conditions and circumstances.

We have been given these wonderful, amazing, easy and fun tools to receive more of what we want, so let’s use them!

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